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I think this is the longest Chapter I have ever written, 1951 words 

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The next morning,

Adheera walked into his cabin and found Reena sorting out documents.

 Reena looked at him and wished him Good Morning with a smile but he didn't return it.

 Reena set the papers and said, "Sir, I have sorted the papers you have to sign and about the lorry diver's issue...", she was cut off by Adheera as he gestured for her to stop. 

"Handover your resignation letter now." Said Adheera.

 "Sir, why? Did I make any mistake?" asked Reena in a low voice. 

"No, I made a mistake. What will the world speak if Adheera Bariya makes his daughter-in-law work for him and pay her salary? said Adheera

Reena was shocked, no words formed in her throat as she heard those words. 

"Daughter-in-law?" asked Reena finally finding her voice. 

"Yes, Reena you are such a sweet, smart, and responsible girl. You will be a perfect match for my son. Please accept it dear." Said Adheera folding his hands in front of her. 

"Sir, please don't do this." Said Reena.

 "Are you thinking about your family, your family will be mine. I'll take care of it. Just marry my son, first meet him and then we'll proceed." Said Adheera.

 Reena just nodded not knowing what else to say. 

Before she could process the incidents that happened, she found herself in a Black Jaguar that took her to the place where she had to meet the so-called son of Adheera.

 The chauffeur opened the car door for her and she was received by Rocky's bodyguards.

 Reena identified the place, it was one of the recreation clubs owned by the Bariya family.

 She found three men dressed in casuals playing snooker. 

She didn't know who was Rocky among the three but a man with a thick beard and a man bun caught her eye. 

The guard whispered something to him and he looked at the other guys, they left the place without a word.

 He looked at the guards and everyone left the place leaving the two alone.

Reena concluded that this bearded guy was the infamous son of Adheera. 

While Reena was busy with her thoughts, Rocky took a good look at her, she was certainly above average. 

He approved his Dad's choice.

 "Well, Hi Reena." Said Rocky in a deep voice. 

Reena smiled and said, "Hi Sir."

 Rocky smiled bent a bit and looked at the board, he pocketed a ball and looked at Reena. 

"I hope Dad told me about my condition." Asked Rocky. 

Perplexed Reena asked, "Conditions?" 

"Yeah." Said Rocky in an obvious tone rubbing a chalk cube on his cue stick.

 Seeing the way Reena was standing, Rocky began speaking. "This marriage will be a Contract Marriage, I will live with you for a year. If I like that life, I'll think about extending the contract. It's basically like living together but with a contract." 

 Reena felt like she was stuck by a huge thunderstorm.

 Never in her life, had she thought she would be asked to do something like this.

Contract Marriage-KGFWhere stories live. Discover now