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A week went by and it was Roeena's first wedding anniversary, Adheera woke up first and had the house decorated as it was his son's first wedding anniversary.

 Reena had forgotten about this as Anjali occupied her mind fully, she came down as usual to prepare food but she was surprised to see the decorations. 

She found Adheera instructing the house helps, "Papa, what are you doing?" she asked.

"Beti, it's your first wedding anniversary and we must celebrate it well." Answered Adheera.

 That struck Reena hard, realisation dawned upon her. 

She stood like a statue thinking about Rocky's decision. 

She didn't even feel Rocky's presence until he shook her. 

Reena looked at Rocky blankly and then looked at Adheera.

 "Raja, I am going to organize a party tonight, so you both get ready and wear new clothes and visit the temple and also visit Reena beta's mother and invite her family to the party and..." went on Adheera but he was cut short by Rocky. 

"Wait, wait Papa. Why party and all this?" asked Rocky.

 "Arey beta it's your wedding anniversary today." Said Adheera.

 "Oh, that means our Contract officially ends today." Said Rocky. 

"So what?" asked Adheera slightly offended.

 "That means Reena is free to go." Said Rocky. 

Reena looked at Rocky, she felt as if a thunderbolt had landed on her.

 Rocky faced Reena and said, "Thanks a ton, Reena. You were a great companion, and I would love to have you as my friend till death."

 "Hey what are you blabbering Rocky, she is your wife. You both are tied together for life." Shouted Adheera.

 "No, Dad I had already clearly stated that this marriage is valid only for a year." Reasoned Rocky. 

Adheera's temper grew tenfold and he was about to hit Rocky but Reena came in between them.

 "He is right Sir, I must leave." Said Reena and ran to her room. 

Adheera froze and was about to fall but Rocky and Gopal held him at the right time. 

Adheera pushed Rocky away and let Gopal help him, they walked back to Adheera's room.

 Rocky just shrugged and left for the gym. 

Reena sat on the floor by the bed and cried her heart out, she thought about her mother, and how would she take this.

 She looked at the bed and thought about the time spent on it. 

She cried till she felt that she let out the emotions she had bottled up.

 She got up went to the washroom washed her face and began packing her stuff, she left the clothes and jewels that were given by the Bariyas. 

She looked at her nuptial chain, though she wanted to remove it she couldn't do it. 

She took her bags and came down, she saw Adheera waiting for her. 

"Beti, please don't leave I will speak to Raja and change his mind." Pleaded Adheera. 

"No, sir I came here as his wife for a year and now it's over I am leaving." Said Reena and was about to leave and Rocky came back from the gym and saw Reena all set to leave. 

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