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Soon they became man and wife, and Priya was making Reena ready for her nuptial night. 

Priya was giving her advice, 'how to behave in her martial life', Reena was dreading that night.

 "Always try to give in to your husband 's wish and try to control your temper," went on Priya.

 Reena was stressed thinking about her life in the Bariya house.

 Radhika entered with a glass of milk and said, "Ma, don't stress her, she looks like she's going to burst into tears any moment." Looking at Reena. 

"Well, I must say all this to you." Said Priya taking the milk from Radhika and giving it to Reena. 

Reena stood up, hugged her mother tight, and mentally apologised for lying about her marriage. 

Priya patted her back with her other hand and gently broke the hug. 

"Take this milk and act according to your husband's wish," said Priya.

 Reena nodded not knowing what to say. "And touch his feet and get his blessings." Added Priya at last. 

Reena gave her a bewildered look as she proceeded towards "their" bedroom. 

Rocky, on the other hand, was shocked to see his room covered with flowers, scented candles, chocolates and champagne. 

He found a big heart on the centre of the bed and rose petals arranged in a way saying, "FUCK ME" and he also found two teddy bears in a weird position. 

He mentally noted to smack Shakthi and Karan, but the mastermind behind this must be his dad.

 He proceeded to fix things but it was too late as he heard a knock on the door.

 He knew that Reena was there, so he opened the door and let her in, Reena walked in without making eye contact with him. 

She gasped as she saw the bed, her heart almost leapt out as she heard Rocky bolting the door.

 He walked in and saw Reena who was frozen in shock.

 "Hey, calm down. My dad's a little mad and I am the two monkeys Shakthi and Karan are behind this." Said Rocky.

 Reena let out deep breaths and she sat on the couch watching Rocky. 

He pushed the rose petals from the bed and straightened the sheets. 

He blew the candles off and threw the teddy bears away. 

He turned and looked at Reena with a small smile that Reena returned. 

She stood up and walked closer to him making his heart beat rise. 

She placed the milk glass on the side table and fell on his feet making Rocky gasp.

"No, no please." Said Rocky taking a step back.

 "It's a formality." Said Reena looking at him. 

"Well, am I supposed to bless you?" asked Rocky as he remembered the way both of them fell on the feet of people during the wedding. 

"Yes, I guess." Said Reena. 

"Okay, I bless you that you will get all the happiness in the world." Said Rocky. 

As Reena stood up, Rocky did something that she never expected, he fell on her feet flat and held her calves.

 "Oh my God, what are you doing Rocky? leave me." Said Reena. 

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