The Transportation[REWRITTEN]

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The Transportation

Y/n pov

I had been waiting for the third part of episode 67 of skibidi toilet to come out and it was rough and I mean rough, you see im a big fan of skibidi toilet but theres one thing I don't like about long you have to wait for another episode. Like one singular episode these days takes weeks now because of these copyright claimers...these trouble makers have caused Dafug?!Boom?! to post less and have to deal with these people, its very annoying ESPECIALLY WHEN HE HAS FANS TO ENTERTAIN.....i honestly hope he get rid of this problem but back to whats at hand. While I was waiting I had entertained myself with Godzilla vs Kong and some Godzilla Vs Monkey and to be honest I see Godzilla Vs Monkey as a actuall series made by a production team. But eventually I got bored because Blunt hadn't posted in a while, and Godzilla vs Kong can only distract you for so long. But theres always one key part about these shows that spark my interest...Mechagodzilla...ive always admired Mechagodzilla because not only is he over powered, hes also perfect for skibidi toilet and im not kidding hes perfect for it...but unfortunately he is owned by warner bros. I turned off the TV after watching it for hours and I mean hours, I got up and ate. I was then greeted by my dog Itzy, I know weird name right? Well we didn't name him that instead his previous owners did. We are currently fostering him as the family is really busy and needed someone to take care of him while they attend to their busy work. But that's when Itzy got on the couch and as always he literally sat on me "ugh Itzy!" I said as I chuckled "your sitting on me!" I put down the remote and scooted out from under him as I gave him a pet, I then thought 'huh I wonder when the owners of this dog will have him back' I knew they would take him back its just a matter of when. So I picked up the remote and went back to watching Godzilla vs Kong and what not, I even started going to Dafug's merch store to see if any teasers had been released but unfortunately none had come out, I frowned a little sad that no teasers had been released. But hey beggers cant be choosers, but then I heard an alarm as I looked at it and well....."oh youve got to be kidding me....TWELVE AM?!?!" I quickly turned off the lights and got in bed awaiting tomorrow and hopefully I would wake up to skibidi toilet 67 part 3...however....tommorow had more in store for me than i could ever imagine....

*the next day*

I woke up to my alarm, I groaned as I opened my eyes and got out of bed. I turned off my alarm and remembered something 'episode 67 part 3' I opened my computer and went to youtube as fast as I could, I searched up skibidi toilet and there it was...part 3....i clicked it and saw Titan Speakerman come in and save Titan Cameraman! I then saw Gman blast him nocking one of his speakers off, it was after watching for a little longer I heard a voice and boy oh boy did I know this one, and just like that out came Titan Tvman and sheesh he was definitely upgraded for sure. I watched as he easily beat scientist with his sword as he looked at the screen but he didn't make a face...instead he made a very clear sentence that I know said "it is time Y/n..." I was confused how did he know my name...what is going on. Just then his core laser charged up "what the?" i asked confused. but then out of nowhere it shot at the pov, the computer shut off "huh? what the...what happened?"  as I was about to try and turn it back on a portal appeared "HOLY" I yelped as it started to suck me in as I tried to scramble away "OH NO. OH NO NO NO NO NO! IM NOT ABOUT TO BE SUCKED INTO WHATEVER THAT IS!!!" i screamed but the portal was to strong, i started to lose my grip. i couldnt hold on much longer as i sighed "guess i have no choice.....i swear this better not stab me in the ass...." i looked back and held my breath "well as they always say......YOLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" i quite literally jumped into the portal. Now begins a new journey for me but what kind of journey? ill find out soon....

Mechagodzilla reader in Skibidi ToiletWhere stories live. Discover now