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Y/n pov

dragging a titan skibidi's body, i looked around for anymore titan skibidi's....but there were none.....i dropped the titan skibidi that i was dragging and growled "perhaps they've given up..." i started laughing evilly as a mechanical grin started to form on my face...."they are all gonna live in fear....heh...hah....HEH" i started laughing like a maniac. and everyone was watching....but then out of nowhere i felt something blast my side....i turned and saw a helicopter skibidi...but the look on it's face when it saw mine was pure horror....i walked up to the helicopter skibidi who was frozen in fear and decapitated it with a single punch to its head....but then a whole lot more titan skibidi appeared.....the mechanical grin grew....then Gman appeared behind me....i turned to him and his grin turned to fear within a split second....and he spoke "what in the.....what happened to.....what......." his confusion....his fear....oh how i loved it....then i said with a distorted voice "well.....its simple....its fun.....heh....your all.....going to feel the pain you made us feel...." Gman could only look at me in horror as my metal tore and broke making my grin grow wider....."t-this isnt you!" Gman said in horror...."hahah.....i know......" i ran up to him and grabbed his neck "and when im done with your little.....ambush...ill be coming for you next.....Gman...." he was frozen....fear had over come him....then he shook it off and quickly nocked me off using his jet pack to get out of there....the titan skibidi's all blasted me but i simply blocked it and after they were out of rockets, i laughed maniacally and mercilessly killed each and every one, i drilled into ones head, grabbed anothers head and crushed it...i was going insane.....grabbing one and just smashing it into the ground, i grabbed another and chomped on its head while holding another by the neck, my jaw grinders slowly killing the skibidi in the mouth and my saws killing the one in my hand...after i had brutally killed them i looked at the final titan skibidi....blood dripping from my tail....claws....and mouth...the titan skibidi looked at me in horror....frozen in fear i walked over to him with my grin still visible....he looked at me with fear.....i raised his head and said "im going to enjoy your death....nice...and...slow..." i grabbed his neck and head, my saws started grinding as i pushed him to the ground and slowly used my tail to dril into his neck, his screams brought joy to my eyes....i stopped my saws and tail....he looked at me with his bloodied up face...i opened my mouth slowly...i wanted to spill one last drop of fear in him....then...chomp......i put pressure on his head....his was delightfull.....then i crushed his head.....i stood up with his crushed head still in my mouth....i dropped it.....i had gone completely insane....but then out of nowhere all of that bent up head and killer intent went away as did my grin....i shook my head "w-what happened?" then i saw what i had done...."d-did i do this?!" i stepped back in shock.....i tripped and fell on to a building...."n-no no NO NO NO! i couldn't have done this!" i couldnt remember much.....well even then...the memories were slipping away like water in a hand....soon i couldn't handle it anymore and flew out of the scene...

Cameraman 509 pov

what...did i just see....Mechagodzilla just went completely and my team couldn't believe what we saw...we needed to report this to the command center at once! i dont think Mechagodzilla is mentaly okay....something has to be wrong with him....we got in our transportation vehicle and the driver drove off....he seemed shooken up...we all were....but right now we needed to report this to the command center...before Mechagodzilla goes into this state again....

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