Titan Cameraman Encounter part 3[NOT REWRITTEN]

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Y/n pov












I woke up to see I was in the camera HQ, I looked around and saw scientist cameramen repairing me and documenting me. I wanted to move but I was restrained...I couldn't blame em I am pretty much unknown to them. I decided to make myself known as I said "uh...hi" they all jumped in surprise as they stared at me and I stared back, they then continued to repair me as I said "um...is there any way that I could get in a more comfortable position?" the scientist cameraman that I assumed to be the boss shook his head as he continued to document me and I groaned...just then a message popped up as I read it "hey over here to your right" I looked to my right and saw Titan Cameraman, I would wave but im kinda restrained at the moment. Titan Cameraman walked over to me and asked in a message "so what are your intentions? What do you plan on doing with us when your set free?" I looked at him and said " I said in a sarcastic tone as he made a gesture of rolling his eyes and sent a message "so your saying that your on the cameramens side?" I nodded as he gave me a thumbs up and headed back towards his hanger but before he left he asked a question in a message "so...whats your name?" I looked at him and said "Y/n" he then sent a message that said "that's a nice name, have a good time being repaired" he left then as I then set my head back and closed my eyes....

Cameraman 009 pov

Me and my team had been chatting for quite some time when suddenly there was an announcement that said "Cameramans 009, 045, 024, 010, 055. Please report to the hanger immediately" me and my team were shocked as 055 asked in a message "no way we just got called to the hanger again" then 045 sent a message back "yeah this is awesome!" I then sent a message that said "I mean we are the ones who have the most information about this Mechagodzilla so it is to be expected from them" then 024 sent a message to them "yeah come on guys I mean once we started spying on the thing it basically marked us with the best information of this thing" then 010 sent a message "yeah that would make sense now that I think about it" I then made a gesture for them to come with me as we entered the elevator, I pressed Sub-Level 67 and we headed up. While we were going up, Cameramans, 055 and 045 were chatting on how excited they were even though it isn't their first time while me and Cameramans, 024 and 010 had been looking through our research about this thing and we found many attributes that were unknown at the time as Cameraman 024 said in a message "based on my documentary about Mechagodzilla's power-levels it's seen here that his power levels are off the charts, thus meaning that he can harness this same energy and use it in melee combat or ranged combat it really depends on the situation he's in. but if he has used up to much energy he will be forced into power down mode, for example when he arrived here. We clearly saw that he was very low on power and had to go into power down mode so he could save his own life, the source of his power is unknown but it appears that it comes back naturally instead of having to power it manually" after 024 sent that I nodded as this was definitely going to be valuable information for the Commander, just then the elevator doors opened as we headed out and we were met with the giant droid that we classified as Mechagodzilla, then we were approached by the Commander as he sent a message to us "we need some more information about this droid because with little knowledge you can only do so much" I nodded and gestured for Cameraman 024 to go tell him what he told us and he nodded. Just then Cameramans, 055, 045 and 010 had went to observe the droid as I walked up to the railing and looked upon the droid, but just then its eyes opened. The scientist cameramen didn't seem to notice but as I was about to send a message the droid talked...."uh...hi" me and my team were in shock at this but how come we couldn't hear it talking sooner? It's a freaking titan for lords sake....just then it talked again "um...is there any way that I could get in a more comfortable position?" just then the Sargeant Scientist Cameraman shook his head causing the droid to groan but just then he looked to his left and there he saw Titan Cameraman, I assumed that they had a little chat because the droid said "my intentions? Well I think they are very clear you see, ive been helping the cameraman cause for a long time now you would think that my intentions are very clear by now" he said in a very obvious tone, me and my team face planted as I thought 'how were we supposed to know dumbass..' then the droid gave Titan Cameraman his name....his official name..."Y/n" then Titan Cameraman walked off towards his hanger as I looked at my team and they looked at each other in shock and disbelief, then the droid closed his eyes entering power down mode but just then we were approached by the Commander as he sent a message to me "we should be done repairing him by tomorrow....perhaps we could send him on a mission with Titan Cameraman...so they could get to know each other better" I gave it some thought and after seeing their interaction I nodded as the Commander nodded back and then sent me and my team towards the elevator, we were then sent back down to Sub-Level 1......

yes....finally....a long chapter........

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