The Mysterious Droid Part 2[NOT REWRITTEN]

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Cameraman 009 pov

Me and my team had just arrived at HQ and once we got out we saw many cameramen waiting for us at the door. We walked up to the entry of the HQ as we were met with the commander of the HQ, he walked up to me and my team as he saluted to us as we saluted back. He gestured for us to follow him as we nodded and headed up to sub-level 59, when we entered we were met with a meeting table as the commander showed us to some seats as we all sat down and the commander sent a message to us that said "so Cameraman 009 what information do you have?" I read it and sent him a message back that said "well commander me and my team have found something extraordinary something unlike we've ever seen before" the commander after reading the message I sent and then he responded in a message with "do you have any evidence of your findings?" he asked in a message as I nodded and grabbed my tablet and went to the photo of the mysterious mech and gave the tablet to him, he seemed worried as he sent a message to me "do you have any other evidence?" I nodded and sent the video I took of the mech into the table, they all saw the smoke and heard the scramble and then the skibidi's head came out and stab...the head fell as the blade turned into a hand and all of the previous events that occurred in the city were seen by the commander, once the video was done I sent a message that said "it appears that this mech is very powerful as seen how it easily beats this skibidi, to total time this battle took was five seconds, yes you heard that right five seconds. This thing isn't a force to underestimate...this..thing appears to be very skilled in combat to because no droid and I mean no droid is capable of killing a skibidi that fast especially one that big" after everyone read it they all knew that this droid is to be respected and then the commander sent another message that said "all of you follow me" we all followed him and the elevator went up again up to Sub-Level 67, and when the doors opened I was in was a giant cameraman......but the commander broke the silence as he sent a message that said "this is Project: Titan otherwise known as Titan Cameraman. We've been working on him for a while now and he's almost finished, its just a matter of time before we can get him out on the field" I nodded as I looked at the was marvelous, but eventually the commander escorted us out because we weren't exactly allowed up here, once the elevator doors closed I looked at my team and we were all in shock...was the HQ really building a droid that powerful? The doors opened and me and my team walked out into Sub-Level 1, we parted ways as we all entered our respective rooms. I went in and put the photo and video into my database as I got into bed as this was more comfortable for droids when going into power down mode. I entered power down mode and wondered what the next day will be like....

im just now realising how short these chapters are........fu##

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