Back Out On The Field[NOT REWRITTEN]

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Y/n Pov

i had been resting in my hangar. eager for the moment. the call. the alarm. i could feel it. my time was near....i couldnt quite place how i knew....but i just knew.....then all of a sudden i heard "Mechagodzilla!" i opened my eyes and saw the SpeakerCommander. he was looking at me and i could tell he was excited. though he doesn't have an actual face. my analysis says he's truly excited, i was quick to respond "yes? whats up?" he put his hands on the railing. looked up to me and said "your repairs......are finished...." i had no words......wait....this eyes widened as i asked "wait do you mean what i think you mean?!" he nodded "yep....your time. has come" i almost jumped in excitement. and after i heard that i heard him continue "but be wary. the toilets have upgraded alot recently and many of the sites around us have been taken control of by Gman and his army, they close in on our base day by day and our forces haven't been doing much.......thats why you will be deployed as soon as possible" then it came to me...i was being deployed now....then 2 mechanical arms came and attatched retractable blades to my arms (they look like this but red and not super charged)

then 2 mechanical arms came and attatched retractable blades to my arms (they look like this but red and not super charged)

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i looked at the blade in awe. it kind of lookes like titan tv mans blade....but then an alarm went off. i knew then and there that if  i was going to fight. i was going to fight now. now and no other time. i activated my jet propulsars and without a second thought i blasted out of there, i hovered for a bit until i saw the city and then i headed straight towards it, i was getting closer and closer until i felt something hit my side. i looked to my left and saw a skibidi toilet...flying? it wont matter though. i stopped hovering and charged straight at it. the skibidi toilet blasted me but when it did nothing the skibidi tried to escape. but because of how arogant he was i grabbed him and kicked him down, he plumeted to the ground and i landed infront of him. he sung his skibidi song but i didnt give a fuck and stomped on his head instantly crushing it, i looked up and saw some more titan skibidi toilets....i laughed maniacally remembering what they did and said "this is gonna be fun....." i then roared out to them. they all froze remembering the chaos that was brung soon after that roar. i could tell word had spread and some had thought i was gone but oh how wrong they were, they all looked towards me but i was gone.....the next thing they knew i had tackled a skibidi down and killed him within an instant, they grouped together but the next thing they new i was right infront of them. they looked at me in anger, they all had atleast 2 lasers and they unleashed their fire power on me, but as usual they did nothing, my metal was still durable as ever and i simply walked throught the lasers and cut off 2 skibidi heads, the last 2 looked at me in shock as i switched to my other set of hands (the ones mechagodzilla has in the movie godzilla vs kong) and grabbed both of their heads, i activated my saws and soon the skibidi toilets heads were mushed up and then crushed by my hand. i could have crushed their heads before activating the saws but i wanted them to feel pain before dying, i was out for blood today......i saw another group of skibidi toilets and grinned as i switched back to my other set of hands (the ones he used to give titan cameraman a thumbs up) and was going to be a slaughter.....

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