Titan Speakermans First Mission[NOT REWRITTEN]

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its been about....five months? i cant tell, time doesnt really make sense when your stuck in a base but im sure its been about a couple of months since i was injured and almost killed by G-man. While it doesnt hurt as much im stil in a bit of pain but i can move my arms, which is a plus on my part. Atleast i wasn't completely restrained from moving, i saw Titan Speakerman with his hand on his speaker chin. I could tell he was bored "bored?" i asked, he looked at me. sighed, and replied "yeah...i thought it was gonna be more action packed..." i chuckled, "well dont worry im sure a mission will be appear right about.....now!" and almost on cue we heard the Speakercommander say "Titan Speakerman! we have a new mission for you!" Titan Speakerman looked at me and he gave me a thumbs up, i nodded. i laid my head back and closed my eyes, then i drifted into power down mode...

Titan Speakerman pov

i was finally going on my first mission here! it was getting boring fast, i walked up to the Speakercommander and asked "so whats the mission commander?" he looked at me and said "we have some skibidi toilets having a meeting in sector 12 of the city, we need you to go there and get any information you can, then when you have enough. destroy the meeting, leave no skibidi alive and then come back to base, if you have any damages we will heal you fast and quick" i nodded, i went to the hanger and then he pulled a lever and alarms blared, and well i wasn't expecting the roof to open but then again this was a different base, meaning different mechanics. i rose up to the top and then i activated my jet pack. initiating turbo speed and heading to sector 12 i smiled inside, i was finally able to do something!

Scientist pov

i was inside a building, watching the war rage on....a parasite skibidi the size of a normal skibidi standing by, then a skibidi toilet came in and said "sir! Titan Speakerman has been deployed! do we initiate the trap?" i turned and said "no, we wait until he has arrived. Titan Speakerman won't be sent here first. he will most likely go for the meeting, as it's the most concerning for the cameramen and speakermen....foolish of them to think that, the meeting is a simple distraction for us to better plan the trap" the skibidi toilet looked at me with worry "could the plan fail?" i looked at him "it wont..." i put my claw up to my chin "but if it does...that doesnt matter..." the skibidi toilet looked at me in confusion "what do you mean sir?" i grinned "you know me....i always have a backup..." then another parasite skibidi came up behind the first. the skibidi toilet looked at me, grinned and said "you always do sir" i nodded then i said "now go! theres a war to win" he nodded ant left. i turned around and grinned "oh you foolish Cameraman....Speakerman....no matter how many forces you put in....the toilets will always triumph" i said and watched as the war continued...waiting...to initiate my trap....

Mechagodzilla reader in Skibidi ToiletWhere stories live. Discover now