The Unknown Horrors (Part 1.5)[NOT REWRITTEN]

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Titan TV Man Pov

i have been watching for quite some time now....the alliance seems to be gaining the upper hand......this might be the time we reveal must stick to the plan....if we are to win this war.....we must only reveal ourselves when the time is the tv scientist says......but im so eager to just go in there......i just want to kill every toilet in sight....i just want to- my thoughts were interrupted by a sudden signal on my radar. now i would usually just dismiss it as none of them are really that important. but i decided to check it out anyway. so i teleported with a "-_-" on my tv screen. then black smoke appeared all around me as my sight began to glitch. but i was used to this so i didnt really care much about it.

 but i was used to this so i didnt really care much about it

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it was when i had arrived at the location that i realized the severity of the situation

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it was when i had arrived at the location that i realized the severity of the was Y/n.....he was badly damaged....but....who could have done this to Y/n? i didnt have time to think. i walked up to Y/n and said "its not your time Y/n..." then i picked him up and teleported to the TV base. as black smoke started to engulf me and Y/n i spotted something in the distance. but by then the smoke had completely covered me and Y/n...once all of the smoke cleared i saw alot of TV men staring at me. i didnt pay any attention to them and headed towards the hangar. when the door opened all the TV men in the room looked at me. some confused. some nervous. and some irritated that i brought an alliance member in here. i set Y/n down, then i watched as some TV men operated the supports. as they quickly restrained Y/n, the scientist TV man had arrived in the hangar. and i knew he would have questions, "TITAN TV MAN!" he called out to me, i got up and headed towards him. then i asked "yes?" he tilted his head towards Y/n. then back to me. "mind explaining?" i sighed knowing this would happen. "well....." then he cut me off "forget it...just head to your bay. we will analyze this droid" i looked at him in surprise. but i didnt question him and left the room immediately, after i left i was still being stared at by many, though i didnt care. i simply headed towards my bay, sat down and said "i hope the best for you Y/n....." then i activated power down mode. i needed to save my power anyway, the TV men were currently occupied on more important things. as my core started to dim i sat back and relaxed......then...darkness..............

what 1.5 means is this is half of part 2, so just letting yall know this i just half of part 2. oh and btw after watching episode 74......i cant wait to get to that point in my cameraman truly is a leader......


words written: 537

characters seen: Y/n(Mechagodzilla) | Titan TV Man

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