The Mysterious Droid Finale[NOT REWRITTEN]

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Cameraman 009 pov

I woke up to loud noises as I got up and exited my room to see the entire HQ scrambling for upgrades as fast as they could, I wasn't surprised by this as this new discovery had to be nerve wracking but I didn't know it would cause this much panic, I saw my team and waved to them as they waved back and I ran over to them and asked in a message "whats going on? Is this new mech really that big of a deal?" I asked as they all looked at me for a while until Cameraman 067 spoke up with a message that said "one of our camera helicopters saw the mech battle Gman...the boss of the toilets..." I read it and was quite shocked that the mech challenged a toilet of that power, I had thought the mech had struggled but that would soon be proved wrong as he then sent another message and these words are words I will never forget....the message said "you may think the mech had struggled but...far from it, the camera helicopter reported that the mech was more powerful if not at par with Gman. Luckily it took a video of the battle I will show it to you now" and with that he sent me a video of the battle and boy oh boy was I in for something, I watched as Gman used his eye lasers on me my shock had no seemed the mech was pretty durable the mech walked up to him and punched him twice. The mech grabbed his head and threw it away as It kicked him down, I was in complete shock at its power as it blasted his face as I watched him about to flush him but he head butted the mech in anger. It let out a menacing growl as It prepared an attack, I knew he was planning something but what? That would soon be answered as Gman attacked, he went to head butt the mech but...he dodged and drilled right into his eye, he backed his head away in pain as he roared, I was in complete and utter shock at this, how could such a being be able to overpower Gman! Then it tackled his neck down as it punched his head about 4 times until he used his last remaining eye laser right on the mechs face, this caused the mech to step back as It probably wasn't expecting that. Once he stopped It looked up and saw that he ran, It growled as it activated its jet propulsors and flew away from the scene...the recording ended there as I was in fear, shock and disbelief at how strong this mech how could a being be this strong? But suddenly I had an idea as I sent a message to my team and they agreed, we went up to Sub-Level Command and entered. When we walked in we saw the Commander of the HQ and he turned around and greeted us in a gesture as I looked at my team and nodded as they nodded back, I walked up to the table and asked the Commander in a message "we were wondering if....we could spy on the mech" he looked at me like I was crazy as he face palmed and sent a message that said "do you have any idea how dangerous that is?" I read it and nodded as I sent another message "yes I do but think about how much we could learn about it!" he made a gesture of a groan as he sent another message "fine! You can spy on it but if anything gets out of hand you get out of there immediately" I read it and nodded, but then I said in a message before leaving "oh also I think we have a classification for this droid" the commander looked interested as I said in a message "after going through my database and all the possible names I could think of....ive officially made the decision to classify this droid as...Mechagodzilla.." the commander seemed to like it and nodded as I nodded back and turned, we went back into the elevator as I saluted to him as the elevator doors closed and then began the spying operation...

.............should i even be surprised that this is short?

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