The Toilet Base[NOT REWRITTEN]

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Scientist pov

just recently G-man had arrived and i was eager to figure out if he had killed that mech, but when i got to the hanger...boy was i in for a surprise...the mech had put up a good fight, and unfortinutely when the news came, the mech wasnt dead. i sighed, i had given G-man everything we currently had and still he failed! but i did learn that G-man pushed the mech to its brink, when i asked about this G-man told me that he had slowly worn down the mech draining its power by contantly sending in large skibidi....although foolish and damages our numbers, what it did to the mech shows great potential...but right now i am unable to give G-man anymore upgrades, were in a war here and we need all the recources we can get....i headed to my lab to continue working on my new project. Project: PARASITE. although not a good name it fit, and stuck with all the toilets. i placed a modified skibidi down and pulled out a vial, i took off the cap and pulled out a syringe getting a dose of the syrum i put the vial away and with a deep breath i injected the syrum....the skibidi started shaking violently...i watched 4 legs start to was working...the crushing and rearanging of bones really hurt my ears, but then the toilet went limp just when the syrum finished "no no no! dont die now! ugh! i was so close!" i said in anger, how could my greatest accomplishment fail!? but then the skibidi twitched...was it still alive? i walked back up to my table and checked its was alive! and quite health at that, i was so excited! i had succeeded! now we can use Cameramen against each other! and soon with a little improvement...Titans even...oh the horrors that await you cameramen....just wait....were coming for you....stronger then ever....

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