Titan Cameraman Encounter Part 2[NOT REWRITTEN]

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Cameraman 009 pov

Me and my team had been called to Sub-Level 67 and when we got there we were in awe...Titan Cameraman was finally being deployed! Just then the commander came up to us and sent a message "we have just recently finished powering him and now that he's finally complete we are sending him on his first mission" I looked at him and sent a message that said "yeah I can see! Its great to know that we have a Titan of our own now" he nodded at me as then we saw Titan Cameraman use his Jet Pack to fly out of the base and head to the location of the mission as the Commander sent a message to everyone in Sub-Level 67 that said "bring up Titan Cameraman's pov" and just like that a big TV was seen and then it showed Titan Cameraman's pov as he was flying through the sky, we looked at each other and then we saw Titan Cameraman land and a lot of skibidi were seen as he clashed his fists and ran at one. He punched it and then kicked it, it sang its song as it lunged at Titan Cameraman but he dodged and punched it in it's face as he then flushed it. then another Skibidi lunged at him but he easily dodged it and flushed the toilet as some stryder skibidi were seen but he easily crushed them and when he looked up a skibidi was backing away in fear as he walked towards the skibidi and then he used his jet pack to punch straight into it's head spilling out brain fluids as he took his arm out but just then a crash was heard as he turned and saw nothing so he continued the mission, he was about to turn when foot steps were heard as he turned around and we all saw Mechagodzilla and he was...heading to our base! Titan Cameraman followed him until he exited the city and then he saw our base but he didn't attack him for some reason...why isn't he attacking him?! But just then we saw Mechagodzilla's condition...he was pretty banged up, his metal body was bent, busted, burnt and many other injuries were seen on the mech perhaps this is why Titan Cameraman isn't attacking him. Mechagodzilla was getting closer to our base and eventually an alarm was sounded as he was getting very close, the mech kept walking for a while and that's when the ground shook as we all looked outside and saw the mech, but we soon saw it fall to it's knees and then onto the ground as we all hurried outside, once we got outside we saw the mech face to face. He seemed to be passed out as we then saw Titan Cameraman who looked at us in confusion as the Commander sent me a message the said "you have the most data of this mech....therfore you decide it's fait..." he looked at me as did everyone as I gave it some thought 'should I kill him? I don't know though...he has been very helpful to the cameramen...maybe I should give him a chance....yeah, im gonna give him a chance instead of jumping to conclusions' after I gave it thought I then sent a message to him "I believe that because he's been so helpful to the cameraman cause I believe we should give him a chance instead of ending his life" the Commander seemed to disagree but he respected my decision and sent a message to Titan Cameraman that said "could you bring him into the Hanger?" Titan Cameraman nodded and grabbed Mechagodzilla and took him inside of the base and up to the Hanger as the Commander looked at me and sent a message "if he attacks us you will be held accountable" I nodded as we headed inside of the base as the scientist Cameramen were soon to start repairing Mechagodzilla...

wait how short is this? oh why not just have it be SHORTER THAN THE FUCKING LAST!!!!

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