The Unknown Horrors (part 1)[NOT REWRITTEN]

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(this chapter came out way faster this time because i had an idea on what i was actually writing. this will be seperated into parts so i can slowly complete the chapter and make it as long as possible. to add more lore. and in case your wondering these -> :: are for voices speaking in your head. and these -> ;; are for when spirits speak to you when your in the void. anyway with all that said. enjoy part 1 of The Unknown Horrors!)

Titan Cameraman pov

its been too long...way too long....Y/n should have been back by now....could it really be true? could he have been killed? no.  i refuse to believe such atrocities! but i had to admit it....i was losing hope, i sat my head back and thought when will you be back Y/n? we need you.....but little did we all know...something else was going on. something that would benefit us to the brink. but also.. something that would awaken our worst nightmare...a being that would not only threaten us. but the planet as a whole. something that would require the help of a great ancient being. but right now. that is not our worry. our current worry is Y/n.....we can only hope that he is alive...and safe....then the SpeakerCommander got my attention "yo Titan Cameraman! we got a signal from Y/n!" i looked over in a rush, worried for Y/n i took at look at the monitor and the signal was...very faint...worry krept up my robotic spine as the SpeakerCommander said "weird...why is his signal so faint? that only happens when....oh no...." horror climbed over the Commande, i was about to ask but he quickly said "send a squad to these coordinates! Titan Cameraman you may not be finished but you can fly so you will lead the charge! Plunger man!" i cut him off by asking in a message "woah woah woah! calm down! whats up?" he froze, and clenched his fists as he slowly turned around and said "i think Y/n's life is in danger" i had no words....again? this was happening again?...........i slammed my fist on a support beam and sent a message "WERE NOT LETTING THIS HAPPEN AGAIN! SEND EVERY UNIT POSSIBLE! WERE NOT LETTING Y/N DIE! NOT AFTER EVERYTHING!" everyone was in shock. everyone in the HQ got that message. but when they realized what i had said every single agent got on their feet and started gearing up. the SpeakerCommander got on my shoulder and said "your not going without me" i looked at him in worry but then a camera transport aircraft landed next to us, he nodded and boarded the aircraft as it activated and then my hangar opened, i looked up with determination. i was not about to let Y/n get killed. not after everything we had been through...i powered up my jetpack, which had been upgraded and was far more durable and powerful. it powered up and without warning. it started to boost me up, slowly lifting off the ground, my jet pack kept powering up until it was at its max and then with a pulse of energy i was boosted high into the sky, hovering for a bit until i targeted the coordinates and watched as all agents rise with me. we were going to get Y/n matter the cost...

Y/n pov

i woke up in a strange void...a place where nothing but darkness existed....i was so confused...why was i here? where am i? what is this place? what purpose did this place serve? i had so many was such an empty space...i felt so was like no one cared about me...but why did i feel this way?.....i had people...i had someone to comfort me....but yet they weren't here...i then heard many voices...they hurt...every time they head burned....the voices continued....:your useless!: :you should kill yourself!: :your a muderer!: :monster!: many other hurtful words filled my head.....the much......and then...i snapped.........................................................................."GRRGH"....................."stop".........................................."stop...".........................................."please!"..................:useless!:..........."STOP!".......:weak....worthless:......:..............."STOP!".........:you are nothi-: "STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 

i roared in fury. the voices had angered me so much i was pulsating with energy....i started radically using my beam and rockets in every direction. i was enraged, and i couldnt stop it "DIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" i was overloading with energy, so much so that i was capable of letting out a pulse that was so hot it could have vaporized even the biggest of Titans in the Skibidi Toilet universes. that powerful it was. but that was pure estimation. as i did not know the true capabilities i was going to posses in the future. but then out of nowhere i heard a voice ;Y/N!; i looked in the direction of the voice, i stared for a while....then the voice spoke again ;calm down Y/n...i am no threat...i am rather...; i was confused....who was this? and why did they think they were my friend...i dont even know them...then it continued as it revealed itself ;your insider...; he revealed himself....and his body shape reminded me couldnt be....but it was....Ghidorah was staring right at me....but where were the other heads? ;im sure you have many questions Y/n; wait...that cant be right?! "a-are you-" ;kevin. a pleasure to meet you Y/n; he reached out to shake my hand...but i was to could such a innocent here?....and have such a confident voice....this wasn't kevins character....right?......but then out of nowhere everything started was the same dream that i had.....the one where Titan Speakerman called me a murder..."no...not here!" Kevin put his hand on my shoulder and asked ;whats wrong Y/n?; he asked me in seeming worry....i shook my head and said "n-nothing!" he took his hand off my shoulder and then everything started morphing again. until he started to dissapear...i looked at him in shock "wait...whats happening to you?!" he looked at me with no words and then everything faded away....i woke up in a base....but it wasnt any was a different base...i looked around and saw....TV men? wait...that in the TV base........then a massive door opened infront of me as i then saw him....Titan TV Man.....he approached me and....spoke to me....."Y/n....your finally awake..." 


to be continued in part 2

characters introduced - 1

main characters mentioned - 3

total words written: 1036

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