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Y/n pov

i was just casually resting my eyes when all of a sudden i saw some scientists clamoring. this is quite strange as this only usually happens when toilets are attacking but the alarm isnt going off.....being curious i asked "whats going on?" they immediatly froze and looked at me. they seemed to not know what to send, then the Speaker Commander came out of his office and said "i dont know how do tell you this but..." i looked at him in confusion "what? what is it?" he took off his hat and said "Titan Speakerman...he..." i was getting annoyed now "bro! spit it out!" he flinched and then said "h-he.....he got....infected...." that last word echoed in my that cant be possible! Titan Speakerman wouldn't just let that just happen! i thought. but...he wasn't here which only meant one thing....the Speaker Commander wasn't lying....i laid my head back in disbelief.....Titan Speakerman? infected? how did this even happen? then it came to me....the scientist....he had to be the one behind this...i remember from my past life that the scientist had infected Titan Speakerman with 2 parasites....incase one failed....i looked back at the Speaker Commander and said "i think i know who did this" he looked at me and asked "but how could you know? you haven't been out on the field in months!" i sighed "i just know okay!" i then clicked a button on my arm (which the cameramen had given me) and then a TV screen came out of my arm as i said "look at this" the Speaker Commander and scientist cameramen looked at it and then i said "look at the last frame. right before the camera goes offline, do you see someone?" they looked closer and then the Speaker Commander gasped "a scientist!" i nodded and put the TV screen away "that can only mean one thing. the scientist is the one who created the parasites. and the scientist is the one who planned out the infection" the whole room looked at me in shock as the Speaker Commander asked "how did you figure this out?" i chuckled "im just good at analyzing i guess" the Speaker Commander nodded and then Titan Cameraman came in with a new arm and paint job. he was darker than last time. i waved at him and he waved back as he sent "so what do you think about my new paint job?" i looked at him and gave him a thumbs up with my hand. he nodded and then went back into the repair room. but then the Speaker Commander said "your power levels should be restored in 2 weeks or so" i looked at him in shock and asked "so that means-" he cut me off "yep. you'll be back on the battle field soon but not without some special gagets first" i looked at him in confusion "what gagets?" he looked at a scientist cameraman and nodded as the scientist pressed a button on his tablet and 2 mechanical arms came down with 2 blasters the size of my missile launchers. then the Speaker Commander continued "blasters. this will give you far more fire power. switching from blasters to missiles will deffinetly give us an advantage in the war" i saw my Missile launchers go down and then the mechanical arms place the blasters right infront of them and let go. then the Speaker Commander said "we've also developed a new core for you. your old one is quite damaged and needs a replacement so we decided to give you a little upgrade" then a mechanical arm came out with the core in hand. (it looks like Upgraded Titan TV Man's core but red) and then my chest opened up. a mechanical arm detatched the damaged core and then the new core was placed where it was. then my core went back inside my body as my chest closed. protecting my core. i looked at the Speaker Commander. he nodded to a scientist cameraman as he pressed a button and then out of nowhere a surge of energy was felt within me. it felt great! my body started glowing (like how mechagodzilla glowed in the movie godzilla vs kong) now i was ready. i raised my fists and clashed them together as the Speaker Commander said "your almost ready for battle Mechagodzilla...." i looked at him and nodded. my time was soon to come....

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