Titan Cameraman in Repairs[NOT REWRITTEN]

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Y/n pov

we had just arrived at the base and when the cameramen saw Titan Cameraman...i knew they had fear, i helped Titan Cameraman into the hanger. just then a cameraman sent me a message "how did this happen?!" i turned and said "well.....we found Gman and....we thought we had the upper hand until a rocket skibidi came right at us....i-i-i-i tried to block it but....i lost my grip and........." i couldnt finish because i didnt want to review that....i failed him.....and now he was in repairs....because i couldnt block that skibidi.....just then a hand was put on my shoulder as Titan Cameraman sent a message "hey...dont be hard on yourself, none of us could have predicted such events.......when something happens....it could break us...but if you fight, those scars will go away and will be replaced with triumph......Y/n............you are the best Titan we have....i believe in you...." after hearing that message, my once sorrow started to turn into confidence as i said "o-okay....ill fight...for the cameramen....for everyone.......for you..." he nodded as the cameraman sent a message that said "without Titan Cameraman you are our only defense against those big skibidi....its only a matter of time though before your power levels run low....but for the time being we need you to kill as many of those things as possible!" i read it and looked at Titan Cameraman who nodded as i said "okay....ill do it" the cameraman nodded as the hanger doors opened and i headed out, i took a deep breath and thought 'this is going to be one heck of a fight......' i then activated my jet propulsors and flew into the sky....i activated turbo boost and now i was going 2x as fast, once i landed i saw many skibidi. i pulled out my blades and slashed one in the head then stabbing it, one tried to sneak up on me but i used my tail to drill into its head. it tried to get away but it was futile as it was killed almost instantly, i saw some ground skibidi but didnt mind them because i could just stomp on them, i then saw a flying skibidi and activated my jet propulsors and lundged at it, i got a hold of it and threw it down as i started blasting it with my canons, i activated turbo and rammed right into it exploding the skibidi, i came out almost unscathed and then another skibidi went to attack me but with my proton scream charged i killed it instantly, melting through its head and through its toilet. i stopped the proton scream and scanned the area....no skibidi were seen....i looked down and saw the cameramen cheering...well making the emote of cheering, i then looked up in the sky and charged my proton scream up, then i blasted it up while roaring. this amazed every surrounding cameraman and scared every skibidi, i turned around and saw every skibidi fleeing....i huffed and charged up my proton scream.....once it was done i used it to slice right through every fleeing big skibidi and probably a few small ones to, i was done beaming and huffed as i flew off

Cameraman 009 pov

we had been in the hanger because we needed to make a hanger that was just for Y/n because his tail would need a place to be put in so we are making a little slot for him to slide his tail in and sit comfortably in the hanger but as we were fixing it up suddenly an alarm blared as an automated voice said "TITAN CAMERAMAN AND MECHAGODZILLA APROACHING BACK TO BASE REPEAT TITAN CAMERAMAN AND MECHAGODZILLA RETURNING TO BASE" the repeat had me worried 'they shouldnt be back this early!' this thought made me thing that something had happened as the commander sent a message to everyone in the hanger "ALL PERSONEL WORKING ON THE HANGER PLEASE EXIT IMMEDIATELY! TITAN CAMERAMAN AND MECHAGODZILLA ARE APPROACHING THE BASE" then every scientist in the area where the Titans come in came to the upper floor, then came in Mechagodzilla and......Titan...Cameraman......his condition......i-i-i cant even believe it.........h-how did this happen?! Mechagodzilla helped Titan Cameraman into his hanger as the Commander sent him a message, the mech turned around and said "well.....we found Gman and....we thought we had the upper hand until a rocket skibidi came right at us....i-i-i-i tried to block it but....i lost my grip and........." he couldnt finish most likely because he didnt want to review the memory....then Titan Cameraman put his hand on the mechs shoulder and sent him a message......then the mech said "okay....ill do it" i went up to the Commander and asked in a message "what was that all about?" he sent me a message back "Mechagodzilla has commited to killing skibidi now, atleast until we have Titan Cameraman back on the field" i was shocked and sent a message "but that could take months! look at his condition!" the Commander nodded and sent a message "but we dont really have a choice as of now because without Titan Cameraman Mechagodzilla is our only hope" i nodded and then got an idea and sent a message "perhaps we can call in the Speakermen? they could be a big help especially with their speakers" the Commander gave it some thought and nodded as he took out a phone and dialed the speaker commander's number, the speaker responded and asked with his speakers "yes? what is it?" the Commander replied in a message "we need you here, weve just lost Titan Cameraman and now hes in repairs, the only Titan we have left is Mechagodzilla and we dont think he will be able to survive long enough for us to finish the repairs for Titan Cameraman" the speaker replied with "and why should we help you?" the Commander replied with in a message "because if the skibidi finish us off whos to say they wont come after you to?" the speaker gave it some thought and said "fine we'll help you but under one condition" the Commander replied in a message "what is that condition?" the speaker replied with "once this war is over we part ways, got it?" the commander under stood and sent a message "yes we will follow your condition" the speaker nodded and said "alright we will send in our army, expect to see them in the next week or so" the Commander nodded and ended the call as he looked at me and i nodded....we were now going to get help from the speakermen........


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