Blood On The Battlefield[NOT REWRITTEN]

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Cameraman 509 pov

another endless day of fighting and losing........ive barely been able to escape death many times. we all have....we all fight like we think we can win...but deep down we know we cant....and we all wish that mechagodzilla could come back....but so far no signs.......were starting to lose hope.....all of us....then all of a sudden the ground shook and we heard a robotic couldnt be right? i checked behind me and there was nothing....just cameramen fighting skibidi toilets......i turned and sat back on the blockade...i lowered my head...was this the end? but then i heard a crash and it gained my attention. i looked up, it gained everyones attention even the skibidi toilets....and then a titan skibidi was nocked on to the ground.....its head as sliced clean off.....out of nowhere another titan skibidi was sent sliding and hit a building right next to me, i saw blade marks and stab wounds on its head, face, and neck....then an all to familiar roar was heard as i looked back to the smoke.....a tail came out as i saw 2 red glowing eyes......then a mechanical growl......the titan stepped out with a titan skibidi's head in its i observed the titan more i was mechagodzilla....h-he had returned! and he seemed angry. he crushed the titan skibidi's head and pulled out both blades located on his arms, the skibidi toilet clearly not giving up activated it's lasers but it didn't effect mechagodzilla, he punched the skibidi and then proceeded to grab its head and the next thing i saw....was pure blood lust...the skibidi's head started bleeding like crazy, but this one wasn't going down as it nocked off mechagodzilla's hand and head butted him, mechagodzilla was nocked back but i could tell he wasn't even fighting seriously. he pulled out 2 blasters. most likely an upgrade and then he fired, 6 times, this disoriented the titan enough for mechagodzilla to walk up to it, he stared at the skibidi for a while....then he grabbed the toilets head and raised his blade....and then the next thing....mechagodzilla stabbed straight through the toilets head, blood spilled everywhere as mechagodzilla took out the blade....i looked at him in awe...but then he used his jet propulsars to fly out of there....mechagodzilla was out for blood...thats for sure...but then another realization came...we had hope, we are going to win! i stood up, turned around and clashed my fists. picking up a ak-47 and started unleashing my wrath upon the skibidi toilets

Y/n pov

i wasn't stopping....i wanted more....more killing....i wanted to make them feel the pain they caused........spotting another titan skibidi i waisted no time in ramming into it and then slicing its head off, i wasn't going to let a single one get away. one by one, the more brutal it got...the more bloody i got...l wasn't stopping....but then out of nowhere while i was walking away from my latest kill i was nocked down, i opened my eyes and saw another titan skibidi, i scoffed and got ready to kill the imbicile but then i saw a whole ring of titan skibidi surround me, they charged their lasers, i looked all around me. then i closed my eyes as they unleashed their lasers upon me...but little did they know i had learned their tricks, i opened my eyes and boosted above their lasers making them clash, i grinned...this was too blasters went to the side and i pulled out my missile launchers and locked on to every skibidi toilet, and then i released my missiles, they hit every skibidi nocking them down, i proceeded to tackle a skibidi toilet, stab its head and then i threw it onto 2 others skibidi's i dodged a laser blast and used my tail to drill into the skibidi's head,  then i saw another rushing at me, i grabbed its head and smashed it into the ground killing it. then 6of them tried to head butt me but i simply sliced 3 of their heads off and then i smashed ones head into its own toilet and then i flushed another and wrapped my tail around the other ones neck and crushed it, 3 left and they used their lasers on me but before they could use them i charged up my proton scream, they heard and saw me charge up so they charged theirs to the maximum, i was fully charged and opened my mouth (this is what the charging sounds like)

(go to 0:53)

i blasted my proton scream, they unleashed their lasers, we clashed....and my beam instantly blasted through their lasers killing a skibidi toilet, i turned my proton scream to the left and then to the right killing the final two, i stopped my proton scream and looked around....i won....with barely a scratch....i stomped on the ground and roared in victory

i put away my blades and activated my jet propulsars, i wasn't done. far from it...i was going to kill as many skibidi toilets as possible....and it was going to be fun.....i boosted off the ground and flew off in to the distance. little did i know someone...was watching me...

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