Waking Up To A New Life [BEING REWRITTEN]

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|POWER: 100%|



I opened my eyes to see...a city? But wait, why are the buildings so small? "ugh...my head.." I groaned as I looked around "w-where am i?" I was quite confused because this place is totally unknown to me..."the last thing I remember was...a portal?" I put my hand on my head as I groaned but something was different...I couldn't place it it just felt different...I took my hand off of my head and saw that it was a mechanical hand "what?" I looked up my arm and saw that it was all metal..."w-what is going on?" I got up wearily as I held my head, I looked around as suddenly I heard something...I didn't know where it was coming from as I looked around, eventually I looked down and saw a skibidi? I was quite confused because skibidi aren't real...right? It started to bump into my foot trying to attack me. I leaned down and grabbed it, I looked at it as it sung its song in anger "SKIBIDI DOP DOP YES YES!! SKIBIDI DIP YES YES!!" I then smushed it in my hand as I looked around, suddenly I saw my reflection on one of the buildings. I walked up to it and once I got a clear look I was in disbelief..."am i? mechagodzilla?" I couldn't quite place it but my reflection told it all, as I looked at my reflection I was so confused...why was I here? Why am I in the body of my favorite mech? How are the skibidi real? Many questions I had that would need answering...but just then I heard an explosion as I turned around and saw a giant skibidi...I decided that I should kill it because if I don't then who will? As I turned I started to think...how am I supposed to defeat this thing without some combat skills......so I decided to yolo it as I started running and within seconds I collided with the skibidi, I punched it in the face as it went to head butt me. I kicked it on it's side as I grabbed the top of its back and ripped it off as I grabbed it's head and shoved it down as I lunged my arm at its head but...instead of hearing a normal clash I heard a stab as I saw that my hand had turned into a blade. It retracted as I looked at my hand in shock and disbelief but then I looked up and saw some cameramen, I decided that it was time to leave as I turned around and walked away. Eventually I saw some more big skibidi as I easily killed them and now with my new found blade I can easily slice and dice them straight through, it was almost like it was to easy! but then I saw some more big ones as I readied my blades but suddenly they were all blasted by something as I looked around and saw nothing...that was until I looked behind me and saw two missile launchers that came out of my back...I was in shock as I didn't know how I even used them...it appeared that the skibidi were gone for now so I walked out of the city and looked for a cave....i eventually found one so I walked inside as I entered power down mode.....awaiting the next day




so as you can see these chapters are pretty short but be aware i made these in word so im just copying and pasting them

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