The Mysterious Droid Part 1[REWRITTEN]

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somwhere in the skibidi toilet verse. at the time of skibidi toilet 3, the war had recently just begun and the city was in pure chaos. few humans were still alive as the virus had spreaded accross the globe at a alarming rate. however the very cause of this virus is still unknown....military tech is obsolete as the personel almost always get infected and become one of the toilets....thats why the remaining governments came together to build these robotic human-like droids known as Cameramen these droids replaced thousands to millions of people around the world, as they cant simply be infected, and so the remaining humans have been hidden in bunkers as the droids learned to build themselves, meaning that the humans no longer have to risk infection. however at a nearby building a cameraman. namely Cameraman 009 is currently fighting a team of toilets. the droid uses an ak-47 to gun down 5 toilets, he dodges an attack and stabs the toilet in the head with a knife. but he was nocked down by another toilet, it launched its head at his camera but he dodged and kicked the toilet away, he got up and grabbed his gun and shot the skibidi toilet in the head. he looked around and after making sure the area was clear he called in a transportation unit as he looked up and saw a flying toilet

Cameraman 009 pov

I called for a transportation unit, then i heard a crash and looked above me. i had just recently lost my strider mech so i was on foot. while staring at the flying toilet i heard a vehicle pulling up. so i stopped staring at the toilet and turned to see a transportation unit, i put away my weapons and waved towards the driver, he saw me and parked the unit infront of me. i opened the door and got in as the driver sent me a message "were heading back to base, correct?" i nodded at him while sending "yes, that is correct. now go, we have no time to waste" the driver nodded and stepped on the gas as the vehicle quickly sped up, the driver turned and drove full speed towards the Camera HQ, but then i heard something behind us, i turned and saw a rammer toilet. known for ramming into anything they can, their top speed is 50 miles per hour, however it takes quite some time for them to reach that speed. i turned and sent "we have a little company" the driver turned and saw the toilet, then i clicked a button as the hood opened and a turret rised up, i climbed up and manned the turret, i then clicked the trigger, the turret let out a roar as pure steal rounds shot out at rapid speeds, the toilet dodged most of the bullets, i clenched my fist, but then i saw a rocket launcher hanging onto a ledge how convenient i thought as i reached out and grabbed the rocket launcher, luckily it had one shot left one shot....dont screw this up...i thought as i raised the rocket launcher and aimed, it was quite heavy considering i was a normal cameraman and this was build for a large agent, but i couldnt think on that now, i focused on the toilet steady....steady....i eventually had the rocket launcher where i needed it, then i pulled the trigger, the rocket flew out. the recoil almost pulling me out of the transportation unit. i looked back only to see fire, did i do it? i wondered, but then the toilet landed right infront of me, the whole unit shook. the driver almost lost control but managed to keep the unit steady, i looked at the toilet and then the turret, i grabbed it but it was out of ammo. i groaned and threw the rocket launcher at the toilets face as it got ontop of the hood and jumped onto its head, i stabbed one of its eyes with my knife, it screamed and nocked me off. i almost fell off of the unit but i managed to stay on, i looked up only to see the toilet glaring at me, i was frozen in fear.....but then i got an idea, the toilet raised his head and went to attack but i dodged and grabbed his head, it tried to shake me off, i grabbed my ak-47 and aimed it at the toilets head but i ended up almost falling off, but i grabbed my knife and manged the hang on, i raised my ak-47 up and with a pull of a trigger i shot right through the toilets skull, killing it in an instant, i pulled my knife out and jumped off the toilet, it fell off the unit as i stood up and watched the dead toilet, i put away my weapons before re-entering the transportation unit, the driver looked at me in shock, but then he turned and as he drove through the smoke we saw the HQ, he drove up to the outer doors, a camera head came out and scanned the vehicle. the doors then opened as he drove in, he parked the car as i got out and nodded to the driver. he then drove off as i looked up to the HQ, i walked towards the HQ and pressed my thumb up against a scanner, the door opened as i walked in. cameramen were walking around going about their day, but just then I got a message from a cameraman that read "Cameraman 009 this is Cameraman 025 we need you in the city asap we have a situation" I groaned as i had just got back to HQ, i focused back on the task at hand and sent back "Cameraman 025 this is Cameraman 009 responding I am on my way" i called my team as they all soon came out and sent "whats the problem?" i soon responded with "we have a situation in the city, possibly urgent." they nodded as i called in a transporation unit. we exited the HQ, a transportation unit soon pulled up next to us. we all got in, i then tracked the coordinates of Cameraman 025 on my tablet. i then gave the coordinates to the driver as he put the coordinates into the unit, he then gave me my tablet back as the driver soon stepped on the gas and headed towards the city

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