Titan Cameraman Encounter Part 1[NOT REWRITTEN]

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Y/n pov

I had been fighting skibidi for some time now and it was getting harder by the day because they were constantly upgrading and I mean constantly, though I beat them it was getting harder. Eventually I was so exhausted that a skibidi nocked me down and almost killed me, luckily I was able to defeat him but I don't think I can keep going like this forever eventually I will fall. I found another skibidi as I groaned and said "Well...time to fight again" I pulled out my canons and was about to blast when a message popped up and it wasn't something I was hoping for...I read it and it said "power levels to low to fire any projectiles" I was worried about how I would to in combat now but even though I couldn't fire projectiles I could still use my blades, I took them out and lunged at the skibidi. I sliced its eye out and pulled off one of it's blasters, I then used my drill to drill into it's head but it used one of it's blasters that I didn't cut off to blast me away causing me to slide across the ground as I got up and roared at it and charged, I eventually rammed into it. we hit a building as I was about to stab him but my blade went away as I looked at it in confusion but then the skibidi pushed me off, I growled and lunged at it grabbing it and kicking it away, I then used all of my strength to punch straight through the skibidi's head, I took my arm out and panted as I looked at my power levels...they were at 25%...i didn't have much fight left in me as I got up and we about to leave when suddenly I was blasted into a building, I opened my eyes to see Gman....'im not in the condition to fight him' I thought as Gman used his lasers on me but I blocked it and ran up to him punching him as I was about to punch him again but he used one of his blasters to blast me away. I was angered as I grabbed one of his blasters and kicked him away pulling it off as I then ran up to him and smacked his own blaster across his face. I attempted to drill into his head but he head butted me causing me to fall, when I got up he used all of his remaining blasters to blast me....i growled as I ran up to him and pulled his last remaining 2 blasters off leaving him with nothing as I punched him and smacked him away with my tail, he looked at me angrily and ran as I fell on one knee...I was panting in exhaustion, I couldn't take much more of this...just then I heard a crash as I turned and saw a skibidi backing away...I was confused until I saw him.....Titan Cameraman, I was in awe but what weirded me out was the fact that the skibidi he was fighting had no blasters, wait...was Gman sending his greatest forces to deal with me? If so then I might've killed all the upgraded skibidi in his arsenal for now, I got up weakily as I was gonna head towards my cave but I had to brace onto a building as I fell...I couldn't walk very good, I had only one option..."the camera base.." I was hesitant but decided to go in the direction of the camera base, I walked and walked and walked and the more I walked the weaker I got, I was out of the city and the camera base was in sight so I continued my walk. The camera base was getting closer and closer, hope gained inside me until I felt my legs start to give. I kept trying to get to the base as I got weaker and weaker...and when I was right infront of the base...I fell to my knees, I tried to stay up by holding my body up with my arm but to no avail I fell onto the ground, I opened my eyes and saw many cameramen coming out of the camera base...I felt so weak...to weak....i closed my eyes and blacked out, I was now at the cameramen's mercy...and I could only hope that they don't decide to terminate me....

ah great another short chapter...........................................................................................................................................................................................i honestly should be ashamed of myself

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