Salvation from the Speakermen[NOT REWRITTEN]

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Cameraman 009 pov

each skibidi was geting harder to fight...without Titan Cameraman Mechagodzilla has begun to lose power, and he continues to lose power as time goes on. i dont know how long he will be able to last...but hopefully it will be long enough for the speakermen....its been 7 days..about a week since the conversation and still nothing..could they have changed their mind? perhaps they thought we had it and decided to leave us behind......but why? just then i heard a crash as i turned and saw Mechagodzilla on the ground! a skibidi lunged at him but he dodged as he punched the skibidi, kicked him into a building and literally smushed its mad, but just then two more skibidi attacked but Mechagodzilla dodged, he pulled out his canons and fired upon the skibidi. they stood no chance as Mechagodzilla used his drill to spill out ones brain fluids and he used his blades to stab the other in the head, but i could see he was getting weaker...'come on..just last a little longer!' i thought as i heard a skibidi and turned to see a small skibidi, i dodged it and punched its head soon flushing it after, just then another crash was heard and....Gman appeared! Mechagodzilla roared out and said "so we meet again Gman! i think its time we had a proper fight!" Gman sung is song as he used his new lasers to blast Mechagodzilla though he was unfazed, Mechagodzilla lunged at Gman tackling him to the ground. he then punched him repeatedly and readied his blade but he was pushed off, me and my team watched as the fight continued...

Y/n pov

Gman is stronger than before...but that wont stop me from giving him a beat down! i roared and lunged at him again, when we collided a shockwave was sent throughout the city as i punched him and blocked as he used his lasers to nock me back, i got up and roared at him and used my arm canons, he dodged a few but one hit his face disorienting him long enough for me to tackle him down, but suddenly i felt a pain....i couldnt figure out where it was until grew....where was this pain coming from? i looked around but nothing....just then i saw Gmans lasers.....they...were.....fully....charged....i braced as he used the full power of the lasers to send me back! i blacked out...................

waking up a seering pain was what i was met with...i got up with my face looking messed up...i had lost a chunk of my torso though not still hurt...anger fueled inside of me....anger that became rage...."you...wont get away with this..." i said my voice echoing as all of my weapons in my arsenal (except for the drill, poor drill) and charged them up to max power "i think its time for a PROPER end..." Gman took a shield out as the charging stopped.....................and......................BOOOM!!!! my arm canons turned into lasers! my missile launchers became twice as fast! my proton scream even more powerfull!!! it sent a shockwave of red energy throughout the entire city! waves of energy were sent as buildings started to crumble! cameramen who hadnt taken cover were sent flying, and it only got stronger! my rage getting stronger! until suddenly it stopped.....out of ammo....and energy i looked up to see Gman still alive....but barely...his shield completely gone....but still a laser intact...his face was severly damaged...but once he saw me he luaghed and went over to me....though very weakily...he soon came face to face with me....i was to weak to fight let alone move....his laser charged up but suddenly a familiar tune was heard as a voice came "Speakermen! CHAAAAAAARGE!!!!!" it was at that moment that i realised....the Speakermen had arrived! we were saved! i saw the look on was clearly fear as he looked at me and gave me a death glare and left flying off into the distance....after he was gone i fell from my knees to the ground...barely any energy left...i was on the brink of death....but i had trust in the Speakermen...hopefully...they can save me......

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