𝐄𝐏. 2

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✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 ˚  𖤐

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✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 ˚  𖤐

┆⋮#༘⋆⤷  CHAPTER
(Lower case intended book!)


"can we open the back door?" ashlyn asks, you don't say anything as you hid behind malik who was in front of everyone, holding his machete close.

but the exit was blocked.

"It's blocked! w-what do we do?" logan questioned with fear.

"die?" aiden suggests.

"aiden!" everyone exclaims.

everyone turns to him with furrowed brows, malik eyes were focused on the creature as it started walking closer to them.

the monster suddenly lunged at everyone causing you to scream, malik was the loudest as he let out a high pitched scream.

logan's watch went off.

beep ! beep ! beep !

malik was the last one there when he noticed everyone disappeared, "wait.." he trailed off before seeing the creature run towards him.


malik furrowed his brows, "no..no—" before he could process anything he was scratched across the collarbone.

before he could fall— he disappeared as well.


everyone okay?

lol that was close

physically yes

mentally no.

has malik woken up yet??
anyone know???

did anyone
finish homework?

nope, forgot all about that
no malik hasn't woke up yet,
kinda worried tho

I'm awoke,
got scratched though

oh god, you ok?

why does this always happen to malik? if the watch goes off, we should all disappear.

I just got scratched is all
don't worry about it too much

malik..the gash isn't big is it?

a little, but I'm okay don't worry

said that last time and
you didn't come to school

I've gotta get up anyways, see
y'all in a bit


you had made it to the bus, malik sat alone while scrolling through his phone. he had on a black t-shirt and red jacket, he had on a pair of black high waisted jeans too. just like you and everyone else with the same recurring nightmares— had dark bags underneath his eyes.

"hey ash. [y/n]. last night was rough huh?" aiden says while looking at the two of you, you sat next to malik.

aiden rummages through his bag, then he looked over at you. "I finished the homework. you two wanna copy?" he asks you and ashlyn.

you don't reply and give him a nod, but all aiden does is smiles.


the door to the classroom opens and the teacher glanced over to the door. "good morn—"

you, malik, ashlyn, aiden, and ben stand at the door with tired looks. the teacher's smile fades when she sees this.

"everyone get your homework please." the teacher says with a slight smile.

Tick , tock ,
tick , tock

you jolt awake when you heard the bell ring, malik sits next to you his head lulled to the side as he slept, snoring loudly.

"psst! [y/n], malik, we're all eating lunch together. y'know, to talk about 'stuff'." aiden whispers so not discreetly.

you tilt your head. "huh, I'll join you. gotta wake malik up though." you replied.

"malik!" taylor shouted.

malik gasps and opens his eyes. "IM ZUP! IM ZUP!"

did he just say 'ZUP'...?

aiden chuckles as he looked mailk, a smile making its way onto his face.

malik slowly opens his eyes, "huh.." he trails off confusedly while scratching the side of his head.





❪ 𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 ❫ , SBGWhere stories live. Discover now