𝐄𝐏. 32

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✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 ˚ 𖤐
┆⋮#༘⋆⤷ CHAPTER


"Malik.." I say nervously. Malik glanced at me and gestured for me to look forward and not back, I just nodded and continued running, taking ben's hand for comfort— that wasn't something I usually did.

We made our way towards the jeep finally, I breathed out a heavy sigh and placed my hands on the roof of the jeep.

"It worked! we're not gonna die!" Taylor says shakily.

"Told you." Ashlyn replies.

Malik tries opening the door but his brows furrowed when he couldn't open it, "what the— it's locked?!" he says with confusion.

"I thought you said you made sure it was unlocked with the key inside?!" Tyler said to ash.

"I did!" Ash replies. "One of my parents must've grabbed it or something!"

Malik grabs the walkie and speaks into it, "logan- we can't find the the keys! stay there, we're gonna run in the house and get them!"

"I thought ashlyn put them in the jeep?" Logan says on the other end.

"SHE DID! Just— stay there and keep watch!" Malik says, "over and out." he shuts off the walkie.

I run towards the front porch of the house but Aiden suddenly drops down, I see his ankle was swollen which made me groan in fustration. "Dang it! you sprung it after you jumped, didn't you, Mr.know-it-all! you ran all the way here like that?!"

Malik runs over to the front porch as well, but suddenly he sensed something and paused. "Y/N! MOVE—"

But suddenly he was yanked by the back collar of his suit and was brought up by the phantom. Aiden and my eyes widen when I see the phantom.

"MALIK!" Me and Aiden shouted.

The phantom slams malik, his head starts to bleed as he shrieks in pain. his thoughts were going wild right now, what the hell was he supposed to do in this situation?!

Aiden tries running towards malik to help him but he suddenly slipped, hitting the ground due to his ankle injury, he looks back up at malik whose head was now bleeding more.

I ran over to malik and grabbed his ankle, trying to pull him down but that only seemed to make it worse because the phantom dug its nails into his neck, malik eyes widen as he shrieks in pain once more, thrashing his legs around.

The phantom suddenly takes malik on the roof of the house, "MALIK!" Everybody shouted.


❪ 𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 ❫ , SBGWhere stories live. Discover now