𝐄𝐏. 7

524 19 1

✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 ˚ 𖤐

┆⋮#༘⋆⤷ CHAPTER


"okay everyone, I'm sure you already know, but I'm going to go over today's schedule one last time. It takes eight hours to get to savannah . . ."

you see malik staring down at his lap, lost in space or just thinking about something. he doesn't seem to acknowledge you sitting beside him— but he was so happy about it hours ago.

"aye can I sit with—" before aiden could finish you cut him off.

"no." you replied.

aiden just squeezes in between you and malik while smiling, he had a rubik's cube in his hand.

he smiles too damn much. you thought while scoffing and turning away from aiden, malik noticed your attitude and an amused grin came to his lips.



you quickly hurried out of your seat and glanced over at ashlyn who was stretching, and a lot of her bones were popping— christ, that was a lot of popping.

once you stepped out of the bus you looked around the place, malik stepped off right after you. this place was..creepy least to say.

"hey [y/n], ash, you coming?" aiden asks with a raised eyebrow.

"stop calling me ash..." ashlyn muffled.

you followed next to malik who had his back turned as he was walking backwards, his long mullet and bangs being in the way of his face.

he really needed to patch his eye up. but the bruise seemed to be fading, thankfully.

why were you worried? you didn't know..maybe it was because you had slightly grown fond of him? no that was too soon.

"well, we haven't eaten since we stopped for lunch a few hours ago. we can get some food and talk about what to do while we eat?" taylor suggests.

"sure." tyler agrees. "sounds like a good idea."


you sat at a table with the seven of them, leaned back in your seat as your gaze was drawn in your book heavily.

basically explored everywhere with them, aiden kept trying to strike a conversation with you but you just completely ignored him.

ashyln and you talked for a few but it wasn't a very big deep conversation.

malik took some photos and he had himself in a few of them, he was smiling and awful lot even though with the bruise on his eye.

huh . . . not bad at all. you thought while watching as all of them interacted with each other.

"we have forty minutes left." you say as you stood up, putting your hands inside your hoodie's pockets.

taylor nods. "guess we should probably head back in thirty minutes then."


you turn around to glance at a woman who seemed to be in a rush. "would you be interested in a tour of the sorrel weed house? a group canceled their tour last minute and now we have some empty spots if you guys are interested?" she says.

"wait really?! this place is supposed to be really haunted! we gotta go!" taylor says excitedly.

"I don't care."

"I'm in!"

"absolutely not."

the lady smiles. "right this way."

you didn't like how she smiled, it felt suspicious.

Something didn't feel right.





❪ 𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 ❫ , SBGWhere stories live. Discover now