𝐄𝐏. 29

250 7 2

✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 ˚ 𖤐
┆⋮#༘⋆⤷ CHAPTER


I sat on one of the tires next to logan as I saw malik get tripped over by ash's mom, he groaned in pain as he fell right on his back— thankfully they were helping us. I know how to fight I just need more tips, cause these things definitely weren't human.

"AH!" Malik quickly dodged the fist coming his way and sent a shaky smile. "Okay— I'm done! I'm absolutely done!" he said as he stood up and ran over to ben, hiding behind his back.

"Okay, how about we stop here for today?" Ashlyn mother says as she stretches, helping malik up and gently patting his shoulder.

"Safe..." I muttered happily but suddenly I was put in a headlock. "Oh crap—!"

"Never let your guard down." Ashlyn father tells me before pulling away and gently patting my head. "That's the only way you'll learn."

"You kids want to come in and play some board games? I'll make sandwiches." Mrs.banner says.

"We can't...we have to study for midterms." Taylor tells her.

"...Ah. Sorry to hear that." Mrs.banner replies. "We'll just uh, bring the sandwiches to you then."

"Study hard!" Mr.banner says.

Malik suddenly sees something through his phantom vision, was it a ghost? no, probably not— it was probably nothing, but he couldn't help but hurry over to towards the bus and push a few things back, he didn't see anything, at least not now.

Ben and I ran over to where malik was, "did you see something?" I asked him worriedly.

Malik doesn't reply for a second, "no..it was just a bird." he says as he blinks for a few times. Ben glanced at malik, gently patting his shoulder.


The gang and I had on all black, I sat next to malik. he had on the suit that Aiden but. hey, it fit though! luckily I gave him my size, malik rubbed his eyes and yawned a bit.

We've put up some lights and stuff, and we made our own barrier. so if the phantoms tried getting through? they wouldn't be so successful.

I could only hope that nothing would go bad.


❪ 𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 ❫ , SBGWhere stories live. Discover now