𝐄𝐏. 16

334 12 4

✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 ˚ 𖤐
┆⋮#༘⋆⤷ CHAPTER


"So what's the plan then? use his magic seeing and your magic hearing to save the day?" Tyler says sarcastically towards malik and ashlyn.

Ashlyn thinks before shrugging. "no- well yes, but later. I think we should stay here for now so we can rest and... prepare ourselves." she explains. "once we go outside, there's no telling what we'll encounter. and let's not leave the living room. If something happens, I don't want to be split up. there isn't much we can do right now, so do mental exercises."

"Mental exercises?" Aiden questions.

"Imagining yourself in certain situations and seeing how you will react." Ashlyn explains.

Malik turns around and lays down on the floor, he was the only one who was the tallest in here, taller than ben for that matter.

Ben nods towards malik, wondering if he was okay. Malik just nods as he had his back facing everyone else. again, those long ass legs of his were irritating me, how would I be able to sleep then?!


I jolted awake, looking around to see that everything was..normal? so we were okay. I glanced next to me to see malik still asleep, "malik— hey, we're okay." I told him.

I gently shake him awake but he hasn't woken up yet, "malik? did you hear me?" I whispered gently as I scanned his features, everything was still normal.

"Malik?" I say worriedly.

Malik still hasn't woken up yet, "malik? hey! malik!" I shouted worriedly once again.

Malik still hadn't woken up, his body for some reason..it was cold, like he was submerged in Antartica's water somewhere.

"Malik, is this a joke? wake up!" I shouted again, gently shaking him awake. "Malik!" I tapped his cheek while trying to get him to wake up.

Suddenly I grow nauseous, I ran over to the bathroom and threw up, what the hell?

I stood up and recovered weakly, I make my way over to the bed again— seeing malik laying there still.


"Malik." I say and nudged his shoulder, "hey- you can wake up now c'mon."

I crawled into bed again and shook him harder this time, "hey! come on! malik, I know you hear me! malik!?"

I grow panicked, is he dead?

"Malik.." I say shakily, on the verge of tears.


the objects that was holding the door suddenly caved in, malik was the only one still in the room while the others had disappeared.

The monster from before made its way inside and malik shifted in his sleep a bit, he felt a shiver run down his spine as he felt uneasy.

That's when the monster leaped on top of him and..attacked.

"No, no!" Malik shouted fearfully when the monsters teeth chomped down on his arm.





❪ 𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 ❫ , SBGWhere stories live. Discover now