𝐄𝐏. 12

409 14 4

✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 ˚ 𖤐
┆⋮#༘⋆⤷ CHAPTER


I heard something loud fall and I quickly grabbed Malik's wrist, pulling him along with me as we both begin to run. I was so freaked out right now, something was here with us, I think.

"Malik, [y/n]!" Taylor shouted as she ran towards us, wrapping her arms around us in a hug. I stiffened when she had wrapped her arms around me— I wasn't use to being hugged but she was exceptional.

Tyler sighs in relief when he sees us, malik felt a dreading feeling as well as ashlyn, I didn't know what the both of them were doing when they didn't speak for awhile.

"Uh..you two okay?" Logan asks nervously, I looked at Ashlyn and malik, noticing they were quiet for a minute.

"Something's in the–" before ash could finish she stopped.

Malik slowly turns around and I followed his gaze, a shiver runs down my spine as I locked eyes with the same creature that was in the basement.

That same, unsettling grin, on its mouth. those white piercing eyes looking right at us.

"Go-" ash says, suddenly the creature lunged towards us, "-Go, go, go!" I was the first to run and everyone else had made it safely.

"AH?!" Malik shouted as the creature's claws came in contact with his back, tearing through his shirt and causing him to cry out in pain.

Aiden, Ben, and ash slammed the door shut.

The creature scratches at the door on the other end, malik leaned against the wall for support as the claw marks on his back had bled a bit.

"W-What is this thing?" Logan asked as he trembled in fear.

I paced around as I kept an eye on the door. "this is a nightmare, it has to be. cause what the FUC—"

"[y/n]." Malik says as his tone grew serious, he shook his head. "not the time."

"I'm panicking okay?!" I replied.

Aiden grins. "According to Tyler, that would be the 'prank' from earlier today." He had answered logan's question.

"Ah! Sarah and Emma are still in there!" Taylor said.

Ash then speaks. "I don't think they're in there. They would have come out of their room or at least yelled." She says matter of factly.

"Actually now that ash mentions it, it's kinda weird that no one has come outside after all the screaming and banging." Aiden added while looking off to the side.

Malik notices the handle of the door wriggling and he quickly grabbed the handle and slammed the door shut again, using his weight to lean against it.

Aiden nervously chuckled. "That could've been bad. Haha." He says.

"Could've?!" Tyler exclaims. "Stop taking this as a joke! It's been bad! The sky is red for crying out loud!"

Aiden only grins. "Well whining about it isn't gonna do anything." He replied.

"And laughing about it is?!" Tyler retorts.

A trembling Taylor speaks. "Guys...look down..." she says and I followed her gaze downward, my eyes widened when I saw the same creatures.

Then that's when they charge towards us.

"How far away is your room?" Ash asks aiden.

"About 5 or 6 doors down?" Aiden answers in reply.

Malik and Ben made sure to keep the door shut where the other creature was, I was trying to come up with a plan as the creatures continue running towards us.

"Aiden, give me the string from your shorts." Ash tells him.

Aiden was a bit confused but agreed. "Kay? Why?" He asks.

"I have an idea." Ash answers.


❪ 𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 ❫ , SBGWhere stories live. Discover now