𝐄𝐏. 51

219 8 1

✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 ˚ 𖤐
┆⋮#༘⋆⤷ CHAPTER

(I changed malik's 'death' so if you wanna
re-read the season one finale you can)


I had told my parents everything, I know I don't mention them much but when they slowly seemed to have caught onto the situation— they were kind of not surprised when I explained the entire situation to them, they looked at my shadow and noticed how weird it seemed.

Right now, malik and tyler were still inside the hospital and recovering, neither of them were in the condition to come back home. still though— I wish it was me in that hospital bed instead of them both.

I had fallen back asleep, knowing when the clock strikes twelve I'd be back in that nightmarish world. I was afraid to see the condition malik and tyler were in.

I slowly close my eyes, falling asleep, holding ash's hand as well as aiden's for comfort.


Pain, that's what malik felt, right in his chest, right where his heart should be— he could feel the blood flowing down his body and staining his nike's. his hair was soaked a bit as well, he didn't see the impact coming.

His body tried pulling away but every time it did he felt the tree scraping him each time, so what was he supposed to do in this situation? Tyler glanced down at malik, his brows creased in worry, but right now he had to get himself out of the same situation.

Malik's eyes widened when he saw a phantom, "we- we need to get off—" he breathed out hoarsely, "we gotta—"

The phantom went to attack both malik and tyler, their eyes widened as they desperately try removing themselves from the trees.


Nice headshot I did there. I handed logan back his sniper gun and turned to look at malik and tyler, "tyler, malik! you guys oka—"

My eyes widened when I felt a drop of blood hit one side of my cheek, malik eyes were half lidded, like he was about to pass out the longer he was in that position.

"[Y/n]! where are you?" Ash shouted before she rounded a corner and she sighs in relief. "Oh, there you are—"

"The syringe! where's the syringe??" I asked as I ran towards her and unzipped the bag.

"What's wrong?" Aiden asks beside ash before his gaze finally falls on malik and tyler. Ben follows his eyes and his own eyes widened, I felt myself about to cry all over again.


I climbed up the tree with the use of the ladder Ben was holding steady for me, while ash and aiden got tyler down from the tree I had to get malik down.

This was gonna be hard, I could tell he was in a lot of pain. I grabbed the syringe and inserted it in his arm so he wouldn't feel any pain, "hey- we're gonna get you down alright?"

Malik hadn't replied but nodded. I slowly start to pull him off the tree, he squinted his eyes closed as I felt him shake his head— a tear falling down his eye and a bit of blood falling out his mouth.

"I know, I know it hurts. but we have to get you off of here, you shouldn't be able to feel anything in your chest once I pull you off." I said and pulled malik off the tree carefully.

"You got him?" Ash asks as she watches ben haul malik over his shoulder, ben nods in reply.

Out of irritation I shot a phantom that was coming near us, I muttered to myself. "...another phantom. why can't they just leave us alone?"

"Alright, let's hurry. more phantoms are showing up." Ash says. "we need to get to the school."

I glanced at malik again who still hadn't uttered a word, his body was weak enough as it is, his eyes were now also closed.


❪ 𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 ❫ , SBGWhere stories live. Discover now