𝐄𝐏. 15

384 13 2

✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 ˚ 𖤐
┆⋮#༘⋆⤷ CHAPTER


Malik sits next to me as I attended to his wound, it was bleeding once more. His head was lowered, I see him having his gaze lowered towards the ground.

"Aye look, a weapon!" Aiden says as he held a broken bottle in one hand.

"Hey watch it! You should've done that in the bathroom, now there's glass everywhere!" Tyler scolded.

Logan quickly stands up, "I-I'll get the broom." he says.

Malik glanced over at Tyler, thinking he was probably too harsh on him. he shakes the feeling away, he'd apologize to him later but right now he had to heal his would.

I wrapped the gauze around the bite mark and leered at Malik worriedly, "what's wrong?" I asked.

Malik doesn't answer as he rubbed his tired eyes, Aiden walks over to us and kneels down to our level, handing Malik his handkerchief and letting him bite on a wooden spoon.

I place the rubbing alcohol on the wound and malik bit down hard on the handle of the spoon as he shrieks, but it was muffled by him biting down on the handle of the spoon.

"I never took you for the leader type." Aiden says while smiling, making malik shakes his head.

"No. I'm not a leader, Ashlyn is though." Malik replied while watching as I continued working on his wound.

"What about your mom? I've seen her a couple times." I said, hoping it wasn't a bad time to bring it up.

"Oh, her? right. my mom, she..she's complicated, but she cares about me." Malik replied as he kept his gaze lowered towards the ground.

"Sometimes I wish I never had a son like you."

Malik hears the same words his mom said to him echoing in his mind once more.

"How many of these do we have?" Ashlyn asks.

"Uh, 8 including the ones we're taking off right now." Taylor replies.

"I won't have a weapon then." I said and spoke up, "so that means—"

"Don't worry." Malik spoke up, "I've got some weapons for us, I never come unprepared."

"It's been quiet for a while now..." Taylor trails off. "D-Do you think the monsters are gone?"

"They're still outside the door." Ashlyn replies. "I can hear them but...not in a normal way."

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Remember how I said I have sensitive ears?" Ashlyn shortly explains.

"Ooh that's right! so you can hear them moving outside or something?" Aiden said.

"Sort of. they make a certain..sound I don't think you guys can hear." Ashlyn explains. "Only me and malik can hear."

"Can you get to the point?" Tyler asks.

Malik steps in. "the thing is, because of how loud everything sounds is to me and ash, we hear— phantom noises as a side effect. sounds that aren't really there, and I'm able to see things. in the sorrel weed house I thought was seeing things but, but then it grabbed me."

Tyler scoffs. "A hallucination that grabbed you, injured you, and that all of us had seen? and you thought it wasn't real?"

Malik tilts his head. "well, like I said, you hippity hopped your ass right out the door and thought it was a prank, so anyway whatever, if you'd let me continue? thank you. Ashlyn can hear them, meanwhile I can locate them."





❪ 𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 ❫ , SBGWhere stories live. Discover now