𝐄𝐏. 37

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┆⋮#༘⋆⤷  CHAPTER


Malik sits up, the other night by a miracle he survived due to Logan's quick thinking. he clutched a hand over his chest and lifted up his shirt once more, seeing that the scars weren't there like it was last time.

Scottie was downstairs doing some cleaning inside the kitchen before she paused, she felt...something off. there stood a phantom right behind her but when she turned around— it was gone.

"Jesus christ—!" Scottie exclaimed but paused when she saw nothing was there, she clutched one side of her head and sighed.

Cory made his way into the kitchen before he sighed, frowning. "Did you see it again?" he asks as he made his way towards Scottie, she just pinched the bridge of her nose before nodding.

"Yeah, yeah I did." Scottie says with frustration. "And— unfortunately— I hate to say this but, do you think it's back? because remember when malik was born, he- he—"

"Don't." Cory spoke, "we can't talk about it right now. he's upstairs.." he trails off before placing a hand on Scottie's shoulder. "I think the phantoms—"

"Don't say it. please don't." Scottie tears up as she places a hand over her mouth. "If those things are after our son, and if there's a chance he's seeing them, then what?"

Cory just leans against the counter before frowning, then he shakes his head. "possibly. and if he's falling asleep and he's having nightmares, and if he's not getting enough sleep, there's a possibility one day he might not wake up at all. you saw those dark bags underneath his eyes?"

"Yeah." Scottie says. "that's the first sign."

"I'm not gonna lose my son. I'm not." Cory said, "I only hit him that time— it was one day. and..and I'm never, ever, gonna do that again, I'm not gonna lose him again."

Scottie frowns. "he died once, he's not gonna die again. I'm not even sure anymore." she says sadly, laying her head on Cory's shoulder, "Cory I'm worried." she says through tears.

"I'm worried too." Cory replies, "but he's a strong boy. I know our son like front to back, he's gonna be okay."

"He won't even tell us what those envelopes are about, how can you be so sure?" Scottie questioned as she sniffled and wiped away her tears. "I'm scared..what if he's not telling us everything?"

Cory brows furrowed as well as he looked down sadly, she was right,


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