𝐄𝐏. 57

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✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 ˚ 𖤐
┆⋮#༘⋆⤷ CHAPTER


I open my eyes, finding myself back in the nightmare world. I rubbed my eyes and sighed, there was this cycle..again. I stood up and see I was still in my suit, I rubbed my eyes once more and when I heard my door opened I grabbed the nearest thing I could find.

Where the hell was I? Oh shit..I- I felt like I couldn't move. even in the nightmare world I was still stuck in a trance? what was wrong with me?

I shook myself out of my trance when I heard the door open, when I saw who it was— I instantly smiled with happiness.


"Hey shortcake." Malik says while grinning, leaning against the door with his arms crossed. his bandages were still wrapped around his waist but his bleeding had stopped mostly, he had a bandage wrapped around his left eye.

I sat up and then dashed into his arms and malik had winced but nonetheless hugged me, he still had that shotgun behind his back with the help of the sling carrying the weight of the gun.

I stepped back, "where are the others?" I asked with furrowed brows as I scratched my arm, malik glanced over his shoulder and saw a couple figures in the distance. "I think that's them."

"Malik! [Y/n]!" Taylor shouted as she was the first to run towards us, wrapping her arms around us. I smiled and hugged her back, malik doing the same.

Taylor smiled happily before glancing down at Malik's bleeding wound, "just like tyler..you don't look well. do you need a wheelchair?"

Malik shakes his head, Taylor glanced at malik's eye and frowned. "Is that gonna be permanent?"

"Most likely." Malik replied, "I'll learn to adapt."

"You better, giant." Tyler replied with a grunt, "I missed you too, loser. you as well, shorty."

"I'm not short! I am taller than you!" I replied with a slight glare, tyler just rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"I'm glad to have you back. don't really think I can lead this group alone without your help." Ash told malik before turning to me, "and we definitely need you cause you have great eye. you know what's there."

I just smiled and pulled her into a hug, she hugged me back as she sighs. "We should get going before more of the phantoms arrive."

Malik pulled back his sleeve and glanced at the bite mark that was still there, he scratched it and noticed that the bite mark that was reopening. "Huh..weird."


❪ 𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 ❫ , SBGWhere stories live. Discover now