𝐄𝐏. 25

261 8 3

✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 ˚  𖤐
┆⋮#༘⋆⤷  CHAPTER


I stare down at the table where I see ash's and Malik's shadow, this was so freaking weird. I've seen more weirder things but this? this definitely does it, why do I get the feeling there's more to this?

"Am I seeing this right?" Tyler questioned with his arms crossed.

Aiden touched Malik's hair which malik had slapped his hand away, "woah that's pretty rad-" aiden says as he grinned when malik had slapped his hand away.

"Ha...another mystery..." Taylor says tiredly.

"This might have something to do with why injuries from the phantom dimension don't transfer over to our dimension." Logan explains shortly.

"Speaking of injures, how ya feeling?" I asked logan.

"Oh, um...it kinda feels like I have a rash and it's pretty sore like I've been doing sit ups or something." Logan says. "But it's nowhere near as painful as it was last night."

"And what about you guys? what happened?" I asked aiden and ben.

"Ah- right. that." Aiden spoke then he turns to ben, "ya sure you want me to tell 'em?"

Ben types into his phone; it's best to have these types of things out in the open if we're going to be a team.

"These types of things?" Malik repeats with a raised eyebrow.

Aiden shrugs, "ight well, that's that then. he is right though. It's probably best to let you guys know before you accidentally set him off or somethin'."

"...set him off?" Ashlyn says beside me.

"Yup. but...this conversation doesn't go outside of this group. understood?" Aiden says.

"Okay." We all say.

"Don't tell me what to-" before Tyler could finish malik pinched him, making him wince. "Ow! okay, jeez you pinch hard— fine."

"I don't think any of you have realized this yet, but ben has anger issues. like- extreme haha." Aiden says. "Much worse than the half-wit over there. And...the reason also has to do with why he doesn't speak. Ben was in the sixth grade when the incident happened. or was it the seventh? anyway— he's always been a big guy for his age, and his size tended to intimidate people. despite his appearance though, ben was pretty timid. and more than anything, he loved singing. It was everything to him. however, because his appearance didn't match his personality, he started to get bullied for it. It didn't start out as bullying. the group of idiots offered to 'fix' him first. offering for him to join their group and they would teach him how to fight. once ben refused though, that's when it started. they started to beat him nearly everyday. afterwards the leader, shane, would ask ben to join his group. and every time, ben told him no. the one day, shane decided to take things to a drastic level."

Malik tensed and readied himself for the worst part.


❪ 𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 ❫ , SBGWhere stories live. Discover now