𝐄𝐏. 6

567 19 5

✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 ˚  𖤐

┆⋮#༘⋆⤷  CHAPTER

( TW: mentions of abuse ,
swearing )


"the fuck did I tell you about walking to school alone?" his father questioned as malik got into the passenger seat of the car.

malik gulps and sits down in his seat, avoiding his fathers gaze. "why should it matter? you don't care what I do anyway."

his father taps the steering wheel of the car before sending a hard smack across malik's cheek.

malik recoiled in pain and clutched his cheek, he knew that was coming. as always— he was just a punching bag for his father, nothing more.

malik felt a tear fall down his eye as he felt himself grow dizzy for a second. his mom doesn't even attempt to defend him anymore, she just stands by and watches him get abused.


malik makes his way out of his house, his parents arguing were loud enough even for the neighbors to hear. he had a bruise on his eye, there was also a bright red patch on the sclera of his eye. his father had punched him so hard it took him time to process his surroundings.

he had made it to the field trip a minute late, he sees you in the distance and waves.

your brows furrow when you see his eye, "hey- what happened?" you asked.

malik shakes his head, "I fell is all." he lies.

you seemed unsure. "huh..okay. well, I'm on this trashy field trip with you. so now what?" you asked.

"you sit beside me!" malik replied, then he glanced at his blond haired friend. "hey, aiden! over here!"

aiden? who—?

aiden ran over to malik. "I knew I'd see you again! how—" aiden paused when he saw the bruise on his eye.

his smile faded. "what happened?" he asks with a frown.

"nothing! just fell is all." malik lies once more while gently nudging aiden's shoulder.

aiden seemed unsure but didn't question further. "whose your friend?" he asks with a smile.

you don't smile back though. "none of your business." you replied before walking right past him.


malik and aiden watched as you walked away and then looked at each other.

"I like 'em!" aiden says with a wide grin.





❪ 𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 ❫ , SBGWhere stories live. Discover now