𝐄𝐏. 62

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┆⋮#༘⋆⤷  CHAPTER


I woke up inside the nightmare world I was just previously in, rubbing my tired eyes as I stood up and dusted myself off. I saw the others talking about something, but when ben saw me his gaze softened. Malik had leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.

"So this man 'maverick' can help us?" Malik questioned, sounding suspicious when he tilts his head.

"Don't ignore me!" Ash spoke. "And no, I doubt it. by the way ben described his looks, he was the man standing next to the woman who put us in this mess. It seemed as if he was her boss. he doesn't want to help us, he wants to use us."

I saw ben typing on malik's phone, oh— how'd he acquire that? he must've kept it when he collided with that tree and then the worst happened, malik smiled a little at this realization.

'...it doesn't matter. If we join him and destroy this place, we'll have our freedom back and we can deal with them later'.

"He never mentioned our freedom though, did he?" I asked with confusion. "Just...just that this group wanted to take the facility down?"

"Ben, we're just as upset about this, but we can't rush into trusting this guy." Taylor says.

"We can't rush into it...but do we have a choice?" Logan spoke. "Alex offered to do whatever he can to help us escape...but escape and taking this place down are two different things. this is the government. we'd have to leave the country or something and even then we could be tracked, as well as we likely wouldn't be able to escape and free our parents at the same time."

"I agree with ben and logan...take the facility down, and if maverick turns on us, then we deal with him. I'd rather go up against some vigilante group than government." Aiden says.

"So what exactly is he wanting us to join him for?" Malik asks.


As ben explained I groaned in frustration, "so magic pixie dust and a little friendship, is gonna save us all huh?" I say with annoyance as I clicked my tongue.

"...I just want to go home." Taylor says.

I glanced at malik and ben, they had their heads lowered and then I spoke up. "Let's uh, let's take a break for tonight." I added.


"I'LL FLIP THIS GODDAMN TABLE UPSIDE DOWN, STOP TAKING THE BANK, AIDEN!" Malik exclaimed while fuming with rage, me and ben had to hold onto his arms.

"I'm not, I'm only taking what I landed on." Aiden replied with a smirk as he looked at malik which only made him seem to rage more as he wanted to jump over the table and tackle him.

"You took 200 extra than you were supposed to." I said with a deadpanned look.

As I was fiddling with my fingers I bit my lower lip, "SBG." I spoke up with a soft smile.

"SBG?" Malik turns to me.

"The school bus graveyard." I smiled as I looked at the bracelet Taylor made.

"I figured it was where we all hung out the most...so it felt right adding it, like a group name or something." Taylor smiled. "...It became a safe home for all of us I guess...I miss it."


After a while of playing board games and stuff, I had grown exhausted and fell right asleep on ben's chest. Malik also fell asleep on ben's chest, he had his arms wrapped around us protectively.

Taylor had her head lying on Malik's chest and her arms wrapped around him as she slept, everyone else was asleep as well.

I just wanted this to be over with, I wanted things to go back to normal.

❪ 𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 ❫ , SBGWhere stories live. Discover now