𝐄𝐏. 4

683 20 7

✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 ˚  𖤐

┆⋮#༘⋆⤷  CHAPTER


malik breathes heavily as he ran onto the bus, he climbed into the far back as his long legs accidentally kicked against the back of someone's seat, "my bad." he quickly says.

"it's cool." you replied while glancing bachind you, malik eyes widen a bit when he sees you— but his demeanor quickly changes when he clears his throat awkwardly, noticing he was staring for a long time.

"u-uh..I apologize. didn't mean to stare at you." malik says in a breathy voice. "was just here in a rush. you new or something? haven't seen you around before."

"I've been here. I just don't speak to a lot of people, I prefer not to be seen." you said while placing a bookmark in your book. "so don't get your hopes up."

malik tilts his head. "oh..well— I wasn't trying to do anything— just wanted to know your name."

"[y/n]." you replied cooly.

malik then smiles. "we're friends then. my names malik, malik moore." when he smiles his bright orange braces show, he was grinning like you two were gonna be friends or something.

"so..." malik trails off. "what are you into? rom-com? thriller? murder?"

you grow agitated— he was starting to annoy you.

can this dude go away?

"I draw art, things I see that are nostalgic. I'm interested. I can't really—" before malik could finish the bus came to a stop.

saved by the bell.

"gah!?" malik hit the back of his head as the bus came to an abrupt stop outside the school, causing him to groan in pain.

you quickly stand up and hurried off the bus, malik immediately sat up when he saw you disappear. "wait, wait up!" he called out.

he seemed so happy before all those nightmares started— he was happy.

"please wait!" malik says and grabbed your wrist, turning you to him.

you flinched a bit when he touched you but calmed down. "...go away." is all you say, that was so not emo—

no, no, it wasn't emo at all.

malik was like a ray of sunshine, you grow annoyed by his happy demeanor. "I'm sorry for bothering you, but you seemed like you needed a friend. and I can be that friend, if you let me?" he says and extend his hand.

you stare down at his hand that was extended for you to shake, there were..seems like, bruises on his wrist?

you stare at his hand for a minute before sighing. "whatever."

malik clasps his hand together happily. "that was a yes! I know it was, c'mon lemme walk you to class."

he quickly covers the bruises on his wrist as he guided you inside the school, holding the door open at the entrance so you could walk inside.





❪ 𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 ❫ , SBGWhere stories live. Discover now