𝐄𝐏. 49

241 8 1

✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 ˚ 𖤐
┆⋮#༘⋆⤷ CHAPTER


Malik eyes slowly begin to open, his eyes were droopy— wait...why couldn't he see? he couldn't see anything but he could hear the sounds of the heart monitor next to him, but when he opened his right eye— he was able to see, in the left he wasn't.

So was he blind in that eye? permanently?

Malik shakily breathes, when he touched his cheek all he felt was— blood. was he crying blood? yeah— he was.

He touches his neck and it was good, it wasn't broken like last time. he blinks a few times, he looks down at his fingers and they were black at the tips.

The phantom— the one that hit him?

Malik suddenly lets out a loud familiar screech, a nurse turns to him and quickly runs over to him, trying to get him to lay back down but he pushed her away.

Were you and ben okay? Was everyone okay?

He gets out of bed and slams the door open, dashing down the hallway, his side was hurting but he didn't care, his legs— they were swollen, his eyes were still wide.

That phantom...it did something to him, something felt off.

Malik yanks the IV's out his arm and continues running.

Weird. his hair grew back, and it was much, much longer than last time.

And it was a much darker color than before, this time his hair length reached his tailbone. he remembers when he had cut it, so why was this happening?


❪ 𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 ❫ , SBGWhere stories live. Discover now