𝐄𝐏. 52

203 8 1

✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 ˚ 𖤐
┆⋮#༘⋆⤷ CHAPTER


"Ah, I see one!" Aiden said beside me as we all looked at a red truck. I had bandaged up malik with the help of ben, my eyes were looking between him and tyler from time to time, I really had hoped they were okay.

"Does it have keys?" Ashlyn asks.

"Yeah!" Ben replies.

Malik keeps his head in the crook of ben's neck, eyes lowered to the ground as they continue to grow droopy. maybe I should drive the truck this time?


As I sat inside the truck, we came to an abrupt stop to the school. Malik's head was laid in my lap, his eyes were still closed. Taylor had tyler in her arms as she could still see the blood soaking through his bandages.

"How are they doing?" Ashlyn asks as she looks at malik and tyler, I don't reply as I shakily lift up malik's shirt, I winced when I saw the blood.

"We switched what we could and wrapped the rest, but so much was torn and broken...the both of them keep soaking through all the bandages and cloth." Taylor says as she looks at malik and tyler.

"I..I can't see.." malik says weakly.

Me and Taylor look at each other when we hear malik say this, he can't see? what did he mean? does that mean his vision was going bad?

I couldn't help but panic.

"Turn the truck off, it's nearby!" I hear Ashlyn suddenly say, I turned to her. "Don't shut the doors when we get out. It might hear them slam."


"How much further?" I asked as we walked down the halls of the school.

"Down this hallway and a couple more classrooms down." Taylor replied in answer.

Wait a second..did it get darker or is it just me? I slowly glanced towards the window and that's when I saw that large creature from before.

"RUN!" Ashlyn shouted.

I yelped when the thing crashed through the window of the school, I slipped and with the help of ash she hauled me back up and the both of us continued running.

I was running too slow, it was right BEHIND ME—


❪ 𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 ❫ , SBGWhere stories live. Discover now