𝐄𝐏. 53

195 11 2

✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 ˚  𖤐
┆⋮#༘⋆⤷  CHAPTER

(Omg y/n finally getting
injured this chapter, yay!!)

I had fell once again, I yelped and came face to face with the monster that had been chasing us all night. I grow tense as it grew closer to me, I slowly scoot away but the closer it got the more I felt helpless.

I cowered in fear and covered myself, suddenly I was grabbed by the neck and slammed down— causing me to collide with the ground, the beast above me screeched, some of its saliva getting onto my face.

I screamed and suddenly I hear gunshots, the monster screams in pain while it recoiled backwards, I look over my shoulder and see logan and taylor shooting at it.


"What are we looking for again?!" I shouted with frustration as I had forgotten what we were searching for, I looked through the cabinets and drawers but found nothing.

Then I heard rumbling and my legs grow wobbly, the hell? why did I grow dizzy? why did I have a headache all of a sudden? I fell to the ground, I was too late to get underneath anything when I felt something sharp hit me right through the shoulder.

"Shit!" I shout in pain, I glanced over at ash but it was too late when the ceiling caved in on me.

I looked at what hit me right through the shoulder and saw it was a metal rod, it was too late to take it out, I locked eyes with ben and I shout to him. "GO!"

I was gonna be alright.


❪ 𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 ❫ , SBGWhere stories live. Discover now