𝐄𝐏. 19

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✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 ˚  𖤐
┆⋮#༘⋆⤷  CHAPTER


"Duck!" Ashlyn whispers as she pushes me down to hide behind a seat, I did as she asked. Malik rubbed his tired eyes and leaned back as he hid behind a seat also which was next to ben.

"Still there?" I whisper to ashyln.

She shakes her head in reply, malik hadn't uttered a word as his back was leaned against the wall of the bus, his eyes droopy as he curled into himself.

"What do we do?" Taylor whispers.

"We'll have to try to kill it." I added.

"How are we going to do that?" Tyler asks.

Aiden then speaks up in a whisper, "we could have Logan shoot it through the window?" he suggests.

"No, the gun is for emergencies only." Ashlyn replies.

"This is an emergency!" Tyler shouts in a whisper.

"An emergency is a swarm or one of us is about to die." Ashyln replies. "we don't have many bullets, so we need to try and kill it with our weapons first and have logan as our backup."

"Shh." Malik suddenly said as he could see the phantom coming near, his phantom vision activating. "Hide under the seats."

I crawl underneath the seat between Aiden and ben, malik hid underneath a seat himself.

Suddenly Ashlyn had accidentally made a sound, hopefully the phantom hadn't heard that.




I take back what I said.


❪ 𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 ❫ , SBGWhere stories live. Discover now