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so y'all don't have to wait for me to update lol, this chapter is very special anyway, probably before all the chaos happened, I did a few changes which you guys can check out :)


Malik makes his way up to his room, after having a talk with his dad, he was already exhausted enough after dealing with the phantoms and all. he tied his hair, and shut the door to his room.

He shrugs off his backpack and then placed it down on to his bed, he sat down tiredly in his beanbag chair and yawned.

This whole situation to him was a bit crazy, he took off his shirt to find another one as he stood up— but he paused to take a good look at himself in the mirror, he glanced down at the binder over his chest, tilting his head as he got a better look at it.

He grabbed a wipe from his mini box and used it to wipe his face, when he did— he got a better look of himself and could see the freckles on his face again, he then takes the contacts from off of his eyes, also placing those to the side.

"Malik- why are you dumb sometimes." He whispers to himself before turning away and rubbing his eyes, he puts on another shirt he found before turning away.

After awhile of sitting in silence, malik reaches for his headphones and put them on, laying down as he yawned a bit. he had kept you and ben as his lockscreen, which was cute.

Maybe, tomorrow would be a better day.


End of the special chapter, hope you guys enjoyed. I know it was short but it gets better once future chapters release.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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