Chapter one

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Alexis POV:

"ALEXIS!!!... ALEXIS!!!" I heard my dad yelled from down stairs as I was currently up in my room trying to pick up the pieces of glass from the vase I had just accidentally knocked over. I was trying to pick them up as fast as I could before my dad noticed when he gets up here. Ugh I always have to screw up at the worst times, why do I have to be so clumsy?

Suddenly the door burst open and my dad was standing there with a beer bottle in his hand, looking pissed as ever "you worthless bitch you always have to be braking stuff around here don't you?" he yelled As I was curled up and shaking getting ready to get a slap or kick.
My dad was always like this when I got home, he was either drunk, passsed out, or out getting a drink. Ever since my mother passed away due to cancer when I was only 12. He use to be a loving father, a caring husband, a different man than he is now, since the accident he's not the same man he was back then. Everyday I fear of him kicking, slapping, even punching me and getting called worthless, bitch, slut, whore you name it. he always has to be blaming me for my mothers death and saying I should have been the one. I miss her. She was always so nice and caring., we were so close and after that day she passed I was not the same girl I once was. Now I'm a depressed, worthless girl with a abusive dad saying I was a mistake. I was cut out of my thoughts when I felt a sting to my cheek, "This is for braking the vase and for just being my daughter!" He yelled. then I got kicked in the side twice. I groaned in pain while holding my stomach. Last thing I saw was my dad walking out slamming the door, then everything went black.

Next morning I woke up on the ground with a minor headache and the sun shining on my face from the crack of the curtain. I got up and went to shower cause I had been sweating from the sun and just felt horrible. I turned on the water to get it warmed up as I undressed. When I was done I hopped in the shower feeling the warm water fall on my head then run down my back as I started to bath. As I was starting to finish up I started thinking why me. Why does he have to let all his anger out on me. It's not fair then I thought life isn't fair. My mom passed, I get bullied, I have no one, my dad treats me like shit, I don't even have a reason to be here, all I'm here for is to be someone's punching bag.
I noticed the water getting cooler so I got out the shower and got dressed in a over sized long sleeved shirt that I tucked in and pulled out some from my high waisted shorts and put on my white converse. And for my makeup and hair, just some mascara and eyeliner with foundation and a little bit of blush. Then I left my brown wavy hair down with a maroon beanie and called it good for my outfit.
  when I started walking down stairs I was just hoping that my dad was still sleeping or at least passed out cause I was not looking forward to be greeted by him this morning.
I called it clear when I didn't notice his presence so I ran downstairs and grabbed an apple and went out the door to get to school. Yah! "notice the sarcasm"
Once I pulled in, I got out and started heading towards the entrance. I got in and started walking towards my locker to get my books for my first class until I heard a way to familiar voice yell "hey bitch" my way, so I turned around looking at the direction where the voice was coming from. When I saw who it came from, it was who I was afraid it would be. Nash Grier with two of his friends that always follow him, come my way.

This is my first story so if there are any incorrect spelling or grammar please tell me and I hope you like it and again it's my first so enjoy😄😄😄

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