Chapter twentythree

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I just gasped when she poured the cold punch on my head. "you think your so that just because your dating Matt well newsflash bitch your just a ugly slut that he would dump like that for someone more like me." I just stood there. Then she raised her hand about to slap me while I just squinted my eyes ready for the hit that never came then all of a sudden I heard a familiar voice say "I wouldn't do that if I were you. And I think that slut that you mentioned is yourself." I opened my eyes to see her hand still in the air but someone else's holding it by the wrist for it not to hit me. Then she just said "excuse me who do you think your talking to." "you" he simply said she just stomped her feet and said "whatever I don't have time for this worthless bitch anyway." as she strutted away. I just stood there still shocked. "Are you ok did she touch you. Oh gosh your soaking." Nash said but before I could answer he was already pulling me by the arm out of the room. We were now in the girls bathroom while he was in there with me. Whats going on, What's he doing. I thought. "here wash your hair out of the sink I'm going to go get some clothes for you." I just nodded still not able to form words. I was so confused by whys he doing this for me why'd he stop that girl. I washed my hair out of the sink and put it in a bun he then came back with a white t-shirt with black leggings. How'd he get them I have no idea. I just stood there with the clothes in my hand staring at him. "oh yea I'll get out." he said then left. I changed into the clothes that he gave me. Then fixed my makeup up that was smeared from the punch she spilled on top of my head. I then got out the bathroom with Nash standing there waiting on me. Still don't know why he's doing this for me. I then heard my phone go off so I looked and saw that I got a text from Matt.

Matt: where are you the party's over and I don't know were you are?

Me: umm I had to use the bathroom. You can just go I'll meet you at the hotel.

Matt: ok be careful and see you then love you 😘

Me: I'll will and love you too😘

I then looked up and saw Nash looking at the text messages and he was angry so I just turned my phone off. "Umm thanks for saving my ass back there." I didn't really know what else to say and what he said was not what I was expecting for him to answer back "do you love him." I was kinda taken back from what he said like he had no right to say that especially now like is that really appropriate. "um I don't know I mean we just started to like y-you can't just ask that. It's none of your business anyways." I said he just smiled and said "your too good for him your to good for anyone." then walked away while I just stood there which I've been doing a lot lately. What did he mean too good. Then I realized I still needed ride home and as much as I didn't want to ask him for a ride I really had no other choice. So I started chasing after him "HEY WAIT up I kinda need a ride back." I said he just smiled to himself real big not saying anything back.

We made it to the hotel I just ran out of the car not really wanting to walk by him to the hotel or getting stuck with him on the elevator cause we are staying at the same floor. Once I made it to my room I went straight for the shower. God was I exhausted. So much happened today a lot of stuff I wasn't really expecting "cough cough" Nash "cough". I got out and and puts some clothes on and went to bed and again didn't see mahogany and assumed she fell asleep in one of the boys room. Once I got in bed I fell straight to sleep.

In the middle of the night I heard someone and felt like someone was in the bed next to me but I couldn't open my eyes or move it was weird. Then I heard someone talking in a low whisper voice while caressing my cheek slowly saying "too good. Too good for anyone." I couldn't recognize the voice but it was so familiar. Then I felt someone kiss my cheek then my lips. "so pretty." I think I heard them say then I was out again.

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