Chapter five

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Alexis POV:

When I got home I didn't see Cameron so I assumed he must be out somewhere. I didn't see my dad either these past few days. He's probably at some women's house or at the bar like usual but I'm glad tho cause I won't have to be beaten for just being alive and no Cameron doesn't know about that either which I hope stays that way.
    I decided to kill time before going babysitting by picking a movie or show off Netflix and getting a snack. I picked Friends because let's be real Friends is the best show ever.
Two and half episodes later it was time to go so I got up and changed (pic above) and left my hair down wavy and went out the door.
On my way cam texted me the address so I knew were to go. They actually lived close by so it wasn't a long drive only like 5 min away. So once I found the house I parked my car which is a white jeep and got out. The house was pretty big and nice. I knocked on the door and a women in her mid 40s answered. "Hey you must be Alexis I'm Elizabeth, please come in." She said as I walked in in awe. "You have a lovely house." I said looking around. "well thank you." she said then some little girl with blonde hair and the cutest smile walked in. "hey are you my new babysitter if so your really perty." she said in her cute voice. "thank you and yes I am I'm Alexis and who might you be." I said bending down so we were in eye level of each other. "I'm Skylynn. Hey you must be that girl my brother talks about." Brother, do I know him I mean it doesn't make sense I mean no one knows me enough to even wanna talk about me and what would he even be talking about. "brother I didn't know you had a son too?" I said "oh yes I have a 14 year old named Hayes and a 20 year old named Will and one who's about your age 16 named Nash." Nash Nash the name kept repeating in my head. I can't believe I'm babysitting Nash's sister my bully. This can't be happening not now. Wait omg Cameron's friend is Nash that's who he was talking about Nash. Oh my god and he doesn't even know he bullies me.
I was cut out of my thoughts when I heard Mrs Elizabeth say my name. "Alexis are you alright you kinda zoned out a bit." "what oh ya um I'm fine." I said "oh good. But anyways as I was saying Hayes is at a friends and Will doesn't live here but Nash is up in his room doing homework so he won't bother you. I hope that's ok with you." she said. No its actually not ok "yea that's fine." "ok then all the info is on a note pad on the fridge along with my # if you need anything or if there's an emergency. And just put her to bed at around 8:30. Well I'll get going then. I'll be back at around 11:00 or so tonight bye." she said and then shut the door. When I turn around I see Skylynn smiling really big saying "lets play horses." and grabbed my hand dragging me up stairs to her room.

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