Chapter eighteen

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Alexis POV:

I woke up in my bed with the sun shinning in my face. That's weird I don't remember going to bed last night. I'll just ask cam. I then saw mahogany on her phone so I decided to ask her what we are doing today since I have no idea. "do you know what we're doing today?" I asked "umm I think we are all going to the beach later to hang out." she said I just nodded and went and got some clothes then headed towards the bathroom. I got dressed in some high waisted shorts with a tank top over my black bikini with my my white converse that I love and for my hair I just left it in my natural wavy hair so that they were in beach waves and to top it off I put a flower crown on. After that I put on little markup just foundation with water proof mascara and did a few touch ups and got out only to see mahogany all dressed up and ready. Once she saw me she said "you ready to go get the boys and then head off to the beach?" "Uh ya let me just grab my phone and I'll meet you and the boys at the lobby." I said she nodded and headed out. I went over to my bed side table to get my phone but it wasn't there so started looking under the bed and in the drawers. I finally found it in the bathroom must have left it there. Then I went out the door to the lobby.
Once I got there everyone was together talking and doing their own thing until Cam spotted me. "hey look Alexis is here." that got everyone's attention wow thanks a lot cam. Everyone then came running towards me and I was now in the middle of a group hug like I don't even know why they were all hugging me for. "guys. can't. breath." i said trying to squeeze my way out. "oh sorry Alexis." carter said "since everyone's here who's ready to go to the beeeach." Matt screamed as we all just laughed and followed him out side cause we all decided to walk over there cause it was just close by. As we were walking I remembered about last night and how I didn't remember going to my room so I decided to ask cam so I walked over to him and asked. "hey cam do you know how I got to my room last night?" I ask "oh ya I think Nash carried you after you past out in the middle of the game." he said that's weird why would he do that.

"So Alexis where you from?" Matt asked. We just got to the beach and I was now tanning while Matt was asking me questions so we can get to know each other and I will say I have learned a lot of stuff about him. "I'm from North Carolina same as Nash." I answered "cool. So you and Nash huh." he said with a smirk "oh no no no. Ha your funny. Ya me and Nash well that's never going to happen believe me I know." I said "oh I didn't know I just thought that since you know you an-." I just cut him off and said "no ya its fine." and I could of sworn I heard him say yes as if he were happy about it that me and Nash aren't together and also cause he started smiling like a goofball as he went up to go to the ocean while I continued to tan. I noticed it get darker so when I opened my eyes I saw a talk figure stand over me. "wanna play volleyball ball with me and the guys." Taylor asked.

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