Chapter fifteen

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Alexis POV:

"Alexis Alexis we're here wake up." Someone whispered as they were shaking me awake. I finally fluttered my eyes open and saw cam there. "finally your awake we're at the airport." he said "oh ok." I said as I got up and got out the car. I went to the back as cam helped me get my suitcase. Once we got out our things we started headed towards the building.
We we're now just waiting for our flight which wasn't for another thirty minutes. "hey want something to eat or drink?" Cam asked I just nodded my head. We got up and saw a nearby Starbucks so we decided to just get a drink. I ordered a peppermint mocha and I didn't pay attention to what can got. I just wasn't with it today I was too depressed and sad cause of the whole Nash thing and I know I should be moving on but this whole moving on thing is harder than I thought. And I should be happy for the magcon tour thing and I'm trying it's just hard. I think Cameron noticed cause once we sat down he asked me. "are you ok Alexis you kinda seem a little out of it today. Are you not happy about magcon and leaving?" I didn't want to lie to him and say it was but I also didn't want to tell him the truth either. "I'm just a little tired that's all." it wasn't the full truth or a lie either. I was tired too tho and he seemed to by it cause he just nodded his head and finished his drink. Once we we're done it was time to board our plane. I handed my ticket to the person then started heading to the plane. Once I saw where me and cam were going to sit I took a seat by the window. Cam took a seat by me. I put in my earphones and closed my eyes and tried getting some sleep to make up from last night.
I woke up and noticed we were still in the air so I decided to learn more about this magcon thing he did. I knew some about it just not a lot. And there was nothing else to do so I tried geting cam's attention cause he was asleep. "hey cam wake up now." I said while poking his cheek. "ughh Alexis what is it." he said a little annoyed. "I just wanted to know more about this magcon thing we are going to be going to." I said he just told me the basics and he said there's going to be a bunch of boys doing it with us and one girl but he didn't mention the names of them and that we are going to be staying at hotels and stuff. After he said all that I noticed we were landing.
After we landed me and cam started getting off the plane. Once we were out cam told me that all the boys are going to meet us at the hotel and that a limo is going to pick us up. So we got a Starbucks and once we saw our limo driver we started heading towards the hotel we were staying at.
Once we got there me and cam went to the lobby where there was a group of guys and a girl. And once cam saw them he started screaming and running towards them. I just giggled at how crazy and excited we was when he saw his friends. He must be really good friends with them I thought. I started heading toward the group. When I got there they were all saying hey's and greeting cam as I was awkwardly standing there. Then Some really cute kid with blonde hair noticed me and said said "hey who's this beautiful girl." I couldn't help but blush at that comment. No one has called me beautiful like that especially not a stranger. Once he said that they all turned and looked at me. And when they did I couldn't believe what I saw. I saw those same blue eyes that I'm trying to move on from and the ones that said they loved me. Nash.

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