Chapter twentyseven

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Alexis POV:

There I was just standing as I see my Boyfriend no EX boyfriend half naked making out on top of some slut. "wow Matt. Well we're done." I said he then looked up from his heating makeout session with a surprised expression that then turned into guilt he then got up trying to put on his pants on saying "wait Alexis I can explained." but I didn't answer I was already getting out I couldn't watch anymore. But I kept hearing my name being called but I just ignored it. I was running down the stairs and passing drunk teens trying to get through while tears were running down my face. I then finally found the door to get out and went through it. I started running and running I didn't know really were I was going but I just kept going until I had to catch my breath so I stopped. I took a seat on a bench at the park.
Why would he do that I mean I thought he actually liked me guess not. I mean who would like me. I'm just some worthless, fat, ugly, freak that no one likes. I started crying I mean I wasn't even mad at him anymore. Did I really like him. I was cut out of my thoughts when I heard someone step on a twig. "hey." and then I saw who it was. Kian. "oh hey Kian." I said he then sat by me on the bench "got you this." he said handing me some bottle of alcohol I just giggled and said "thanks." as a tear fell down my cheek. He then hugged me and I started crying again even harder on his chest. I kinda felt bad because I probably got his shirt all wet. He just kept comforting me and I was kinda glad I met him. He seemed like he actually cares and I like him cause of that but not like like him but as a friend. I hope after this we can still be in touch. "you wanna talk about?" He asked as I calmed down some. "ya. So I couldn't find Matt right after I stopped dancing with you and I looked everywhere well that's what I thought. Anyway I asked Shawn if he has seen him and he said he saw him go up stairs with some girl. Well I went upstairs in one of the rooms...." I stopped for a minute and took a deep breath then continued. "and I saw him making out with some girl half naked. And that's why I came here." I finished "oh my god Alexis I'm so sorry. You don't deserve him anyways your way better than him and any guy would be lucky to have you I know that." he said "thanks Kian I kinda needed that." I said "no problem now let's get back." he said so I got up and we started walking back just talking and I drank like the whole bottle of liquor he gave me and I was now stumbling on my own feet as I was walking. We made it there and Kian went go look for the guys for someone to bring me home. So I started dancing with some stranger until I saw Kian come then Nash ugh he had all the other guys to come a bring me home and he picked Nash. He then whispered something to Nash Which made him really angry looking. "ok Nash is gonna bring you home now." Kian said "but I don't wanna go I wanna dance." I said "well you have to go your drunk now come on Alexis." Nash said "ughh your no fun." he then carried me bridle style "calllll meeee!" I yelled to Kian as Nash carried me out to his car. He then put me in the back as I fell asleep.
I felt someone carry me again and bring me in the hotel then my room. I was set down on the bed "hey Alexis Alexis wake up." I opened my eyes. "hey I'm gonna go now." He said as he was about to go I said "wait don't go." he then turned around and sat at the end of my bed. "hey thanks for bringing me home." I said "yea no problem and uh sorry about what happened with you and Matt. Kian kinda told me." he said "thanks it's fine." it was kinda awkward talking to him. "you deserve so much better and he's a dick to leave you I mean your beautiful, smart, talented, caring, fun, nice, strong, funn- I cut him off by kissing him I don't know what came over me I just did it and it took me by surprise just as much as him. both our lips moving in sync when things started getting heated then all of a sudden he pulled away. "wait stop your drunk you don't know what your doing." he said. I was a little buzzed but sober enough to know I wanted this I wanted him. "yes I do and I want to. I want you." he just smiled.

(You can probably guess what happened next not to get into detail but)

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