Chapter thirty

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Alexis POV:

"Excuse me mam." I opened my eyes and saw a flight attendant. "mam we have landed you can get your things and leave." I then looked around and noticed that no one was on the plane. I must have still stayed asleep when they landed. Well that's embarrassing I thought then started getting my suitcase out of the over head bin. I then headed towards the exit and waved bye to the flight attendants then went out. As I was getting out I felt like I was about to throw up all of a sudden so I ran to the airport bathroom but accidentally bumped into a women in about her late thirties. "sorry." I said then ran into one of the stalls and threw up in the toilet. When I was done I wiped my mouth then got out and saw the same lady I bumped into by the sinks. "I know it when I see someone your age throw up like that. I think you should get yourself a pregnancy test to be safe." she said but yet kindly. I was shocked but also terrified at what she had just said. "thank you." was all I said before I ran out and got my suit case and just forgot about it cause I know for a fact that I'm not.

Cam already told me the apartment I'm going to be living in so once I got a taxi I told him the directions. As I was on my way I told him to stop at a drug store. What if that women was right. Now thinking about it I have missed my period. I was suppose to start last week and I have been getting horrible stomachaches and throwing up. Oh god I thought starting to freak out. Im only 16 I'm not ready to have a baby especially not now. And who's would it b- oh no. Now I remember after the Party me and Nas- but I was cut out of my thoughts when the car stopped. I quickly jumped out and ran in. I grabbed a pregnancy test and made my way to the cash register. As the lady was scanning she gave me a disgusted look but I just ignored her I didn't have time for this and grabbed it and got back in the taxi.

We finally made it. And I must say the apartment wasn't that bad it was actually nice and all my stuff was here in boxes moved from my old house. But then I remembered and felt the pregnancy test still in my hands so I dropped my suit case and ran to the bathroom.
As I was waiting for my results I started thinking I might not even be pregnant. I could just have a stomach bug or something yea a stomach bug. I then noticed that it has been about 20 min so I could look now to see. I was so scared but I finally built up the courage to look. and there were two lines. Oh my god I'm pregnant.

Guys this is the last chapter for the first book I am making a sequel so I hope ya'll go check that out. And thanks for all the reads I appreciate it.

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