Chapter twentysix

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Alexis POV:

"Can you do my makeup again plz?" I asked Mahogany "fine but only cause I love you. Now come here." she said "ok now sit." so I sat and she turned me around so I couldn't see myself again.
"Ok done." so I turned around. She did good she did a black smokey eye with winged eyeliner and mascara and nude color lipstick and some foundation and bronzer with a little bit of blush and to be honest I didn't look bad. It wasn't too much to wear I looked caked face. "I love it. Wow your really good can you do my hair please?" I asked "fine turn around." so I did. She plugged in the curling iron and started curling the ends of my hair. After she finished I said "thanks." "Your welcome now go put on that dress we got that will leave Matt speechless." she said "haha ok." I put on the dress we got and I must say I looked pretty good and that's the first time in a long time that I thought I didn't looked bad. Then Mahogany came out all dressed. "well you look good." I said "thanks so do you now you wanna go get the boys and head off?" She asked "yep. let's meet them downstairs towards the lobby." I said As I texted the boys telling them to meet us at the lobby. Then me and Mahogany made our way down from the elevator and once the doors opened we started Heading towards the boys. Once I saw them I started heading towards Matt. "hey." I said "hey you ready to go you can ride with me if you want?" He asked "ya that's fine." I said "alright let's go and the boys are going to meet us there in different cars." We then started heading to the cars I got in shot gun and Matt was driving. While we were driving I decided I would be the one driving home cause I don't drink and I will probably be the most sober so I figured I would drive. "hey can you just try not to abandon me at the party?" I said while we were on our way there. "of course not I will be by your side the whole time promise." he said ten held my hand "ok good thanks." then I started hearing loud music blasting getting louder and louder as we got closer to the house. "we're here." he said as he got out and went to my door opening it. "thanks." I said stepping out of the car. There were drunk teens everywhere outside. As we stepped in the house the smell of sweat and alcohol filled my nose as I saw drunk teens dancing everywhere. I looked over and saw Matt talking to a group of guys I haven't seen and then I recognized Kian was one of them so I made my way to them. "oh Alexis meet the guys that are hosting This party Ricky, Sam, JC, And Kian guys this is Alexis my Girlfriend. "hey." the guys said at the same time "hey guys and hey Kian nice seeing ya." "hey Alexis liking the party?" Kian asked "ya nice party." I said "umm yall no each other." "oh ya we've met before." Kian said "oh cool well enjoy the party." I think the guys name was Ricky that said that.
Matt and I have been dancing for a hour now and he was a little drunk if I had to say so myself. So I decide to get something to drink that's not alcohol of course. So I went over to where the drinks were and I started looking for some water and I just couldn't find any. "looking for this?" I turned around and saw Kian. "here." he said handing me a water. "thanks." I said "don't drink much do ya?" he said while chuckling a bit "ha no. I don't really go to party's either so." I said and it was true I don't really do party's. I would usual go study instead of going out to those party's the people at my school would have. "here try this." Kian said while handing me some type of shot. "I don't drink." I said "ya I can tell. you need to loosen up a bit just one shot that's it." he said I mean it is a party and I've never been drunk before and I kinda do wanna know what it's like. "ok fine." I said taking a shot as the burning liquid went down my throat. "haha see." he said I nodded and said "give me two more." "that's what I'm talking about. Here." he said handing me two more. I grabbed them both and drank them. I was feeling a bit buzzed so I decided to go dancing again. "wanna go dancing?" I asked Kian grabbing his hand pulling him towards the dance floor.
As me and Kian were dancing I noticed Nash. I was about to go and talk to him. Then I noticed some blonde came over to him. I will admit I was a little jealous. I don't know why tho I mean he hates me and I'm dating Matt wait Matt I haven't seen him in a while. "hey I'm going to go find Matt." I said to Kian but I don't think he heard me.
It's been about 20 min and I still haven't seen Matt or found him so I decided to ask the guys. I saw Shawn so I went up to ask him. "Hey Shawn have you seen Matt anywheres?" He then turned around when he heard me and he looked kinda worried and had a nervous expression on his face. "uhh h- he uh well umm." "Shaaawn where is Matt?" I said slowly "ummm." "Shawn tell me where Matt is now." I said in a harsher tone. Oh poor Shawn. "I saw him kinda go up stairs with some blonde chick." I didn't say anything back I just started heading towards the stairs I was so angry. Once I made it to the top there were three doors including the bathroom so I just went to the first one. And what I saw would usual scar me. It was to people half naked smashing each other's faces off but I was to angry to be affected by them. So I just shut the door and tried the next room. Then I opened it and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

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