Chapter fourteen

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Alexis POV:

I couldn't sleep all last night I kept thinking of what Nash had said to me in that closet especially the part when he said he loved me. And when it was the morning I was too tired to even get dressed but I had to cause today was the last day of school and the last time I'm going to see Nash's pretty little face till end of summer. And also today is the day I'm going to be leaving for magcon. Yah I'm so excited. And that was pretty much the only reason I'm really waking up and getting ready this morning.
I got up and headed over to my closet. I didn't feel like Dressing up much today and I just wanted something comfortable cause what I'm wearing today I figured I would wear on the plain at the airport. So I picked out a black shirt and high waisted jean shorts with a red plaid shirt and my black vans. Then I took a shower and put on some makeup and for my hair I just put it up in a high pony tail cause I didn't feel like doing anything with it. I'm lazy ok judge me. Anyway I went down stairs and was greeted by Cameron. "hey cam." "hey Alexis was sup." he said "oh nothin much just really excited about today." I squealed. "haha I know me too don't forget once you come back here from school we are going straight to the airport." he said "Ya I know bye cam love ya." and with that I was out the door and on my way to school.
When I got to school no one was staring at me or even showing any interest in me they were all doing there own thing minding there own business. that's weird I thought I would usually get pushed in the lockers or get teased at this point but no. No one did a thing to me. The bell then ranged and I went to my classroom. When I went in there I saw Nash but he didn't even look at me and it stayed that way the whole day. He would ignore me. When I would even get near him he would act like I wasn't there or if I was going the same direction as him he was he would turn around and go the opposite way. Everyone ignored me today not a single slap comment or word from anyone to me.
It was finally the end of the day the start of summer. As I made my way to my locker I saw Nash coming my way my heart started beating fast. I didn't know if I should say anything to him. Once he came my way he walked right past me. He stared at me though when he walked by me. He stared at me with sad eyes. Man am I going to miss those eyes those beautiful blue eyes. Alexis snap out of it you need to move on he hurt you you don't deserve him that's part of the reason why your leaving this summer with cam. I thought then I shut my locker and started headed toward my car to my house.
When I got there I saw cam. "hey you ready to go?" He said "ya let me just get my suit case." I said I then went up to my room and got it. I packed last night since I couldn't go to sleep I had something to do. I then went downstairs and met cam then we went out the door to the car then we were off. I just watched as the house got smaller and smaller as the radio played in the silent car. A tear even ran down my cheek. Call me a baby I don't care it's just a lot of stuff happened at that house. Happy but mostly sad things and now I'm finally having a break from it and even this place it's just I don't know its just a lot of weight fell off my shoulder as we left. I'm just tired and there isn't a another hour till we get to the airport. My eyes then started closing until I passed out.

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