Chapter seven

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Alexis POV:

We just kept staring at each other my brown eyes staring at his blue ones. Neither of us daring to move until he broke the silence "you need help with that." In a low husky voice. "uuh uh ya pl-ease." I stuttered dammit now I sound like a idiot I thought.
He chuckled again that sexy chuc- wait what was I thinking he bullies me makes my life a living hell I hate him but those eyes wait I mean grr those eyes. ughh what's wrong with me what am I thinking why all of a sudden am I thinking that. I know for a fact I don't like him. why would I like him he beats me for gods sake. But why is he helping me. Hmm I don't know.
"Here." he said "umm t-hanks." Ugh why is he doing this to me. He then just walked away. Weird I thought but I just shook that away for now.

I started making the Mac and cheese. After I finished I called for Skylynn. "sky it's ready." she came skipping her way to the counter. She's adorable. I got out two bowls for us to eat out of and put the Mac and cheese in. We started eating when sky started to talk to me. "you know Lexi." that's what she started calling me. "Nash talks about you a lot and you really are as pretty as he said you were." Huh he talks about me she's probably thinking of someone else. Nash would never talk about me he hates me.
After we were done I put both our bowls away and when sky said "lets play princess." oh boy I thought. Then she pulled my hand while running upstairs to her room. "Sit here." she said pointing to a small chair in front of a mirror. "Now I'm your makeup person cause you need to get ready for the prince so I have to do your makeup." she said. This isn't going to end pretty I thought but I let her do it any ways what's the worst that can happen I can lose and eye but that's unlikely gonna happen. Wait.

"Your all done." She said and turned me around so I was now in front of the mirror. And what I saw I was surprised didn't brake the mirror. I had purple eyeshadow with mascara that I had to help her with and pink lipgloss and pink blush and some glitter on my cheeks. While she wasn't looking I secretly fixed it some so I didn't look like a total reck no offense sky. "I love it. it's beautiful good job sky." I said she smiled real big like she was proud of her work and said "Now you have to do mine."

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